Does AI FTP work on outdoor rides?

Yesterday I noticed when I completed the session my next AI detection was 16 hours. I had an outdoor ride today and to be honest, I am expecting a good FTP rise. I pushed the one from October 3 back. and last month it said I was still on the same. But I have hitting some really big numbers and would have expected this one to be a rise. But there was nothing this morning.

I forget the requirement but after an initial few indoors workouts ‘to put a spade in the ground’ as to your predicted FTP, it starts to tweak it with data from out doors rides too. Perhaps you’ve not reached that initial indoor threshold.

Edit: From @Caro.Gomez-Villafane link, the Threshold is 10indoor rides, after you’ve done that AI FTP D will use any ride with power indoors or out.

Hey @litifeta :slight_smile:

AI FTP Detection takes into account all rides with power data, whether they’re indoors or outside, structured or unstructured. This can include group rides, races, and even rides on other indoor training apps synced to TrainerRoad.

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I got it to give me a new one by asking for a ramp test. 1 watt increase. 7 weeks into a FTP program. What a waste of 7 weeks that was.

Do you mind if I ask if you completed every workout as scheduled in the seven weeks?

Also, where did the starting FTP come from?

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What workouts or types of workouts did you do?

I was having the same outcome but I was focused on sweet spot but once I started doing threshold I started seeing increases in FTP.

Yes I did the workouts. The FTP came from AI which has been monitoring my progress since April.

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The workouts come from a TR training plan for FTP increase. I had just finished another plan I started in April and wanted to build my FTP.

My FTP is also unchanged since April where I have been following a TR program with mostly outdoor rides. I’ve been riding 7.5 hours a week. I don’t understand why my FTP hasn’t changed and am working with TR support to figure it out. I’m definitely a stronger rider since April.

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Which training plan?

Even though FTP is only one measure of performance and I am quite sure that seven weeks of consistently completing workouts will have had some benefits, I would also be disappointed.

Going into it with a TR history / AIFTP and completing every prescribed workout for seven weeks, only to be presented with a one watt increase. Yes, I would be disappointed.

FTP builder

The plan is called FTP builder. I would have kept what I had if it was not going to build FTP. That was the point

I made a custom plan just now - eight weeks increase FTP - to see what it looked like

Here is the structure

Presuming the three hard intervals days were progressive across the eight week period, I find it hard to believe that would not deliver more than one watt FTP increase, unless the user was already very close to their upper FTP limit, or had been doing similar structure for a long time prior (Pogacar isn’t going to improve by doing that eight week block).

If an FTP increase was my objective, I would accept that proposed plan and expect to get an increase of something up to five percent from it.

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@ddetch, I just want to clarify that @litifeta FTP has increased since April 21, 2024, in fact, it has grown from 181 to 207 in 7 months, which I think is awesome! :muscle: I am glad you’re already working with a TR Support agent to figure out what’s going on with yours.

@litifeta, as @ivegotabike mentioned, as you start getting to the higher numbers of FTP (“the limit”) we’ll naturally see smaller gains, but this does not mean you haven’t experienced fitness gains as we can see them in the ability to complete harder workouts over time and raise your Progression Levels.

I feel there’s also a bit of info missing here, as FTP should be addresses case by case… I took a look at your 7-week plan, and it only has 2 interval training days (was it manually set that way?) whereas the month prior you were completing about 3 interval workouts per week. This reduction in interval work can have a direct impact on the ability to raise your FTP much higher than the one you currently have. So, if anything, I would say the plan was able to successfully raise your FTP while doing less interval work.

If you think your FTP should be higher, you can always do a Ramp Test and see how they compare. This is a great way to test AI FTP Detection, except of course, you’ll have to do a little bit of work :see_no_evil:


Thanks for the clarification and additional information @Caro.Gomez-Villafane

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@ivegotabike :smiling_face:

The interval training days was changed by the program. As others have pointed out I questioned this.

I’m still trying to figure out what plan you’re talking about. I dont see anything called FTP Builder on TR.

What volume structure? What discipline? Masters plan or regular plan?

It would also be helpful to see your calendar, screenshots work pretty good.

If you use the new plan builder (I believe it has to be on the Web, not the app) and choose “General Fitness” rather than “Event/Race”, there is a option for “increasing FTP”. There are other options for climbing, endurance, general fitness, etc.