Doing Sober October?

I’ve done it with caffeine a few times. Those first few days… Not pretty.


Well good luck! Glad to be in it with others for support as well.

Here’s to getting some sleep!

Yep! Been mostly a sober 2021 - I think I’ve had maybe 4-5 drinks all year, so it’s mostly just to recruit my husband for it.

The only booze in the house are some IPAs, which he haaaaaates, so he should not be too tempted. Ha.

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This will be my 33rd Sober Oct. as well as Jan-Dec.


I appreciate the replies and info. All the best and I hope you guys get what you want from your time without (or just less) of the “good stuff”. :smiley:


That’s my plan, since I’m not going to pubs/bars now I’ve not really drunk at home for the last 2 years. Some zero alcohol beer for the cold taste and maybe once every other month a rum and ginger beer.

Not really noticed much other than more cash, and clear head the next morning.

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Going on 49 days no alcohol and FTP has gone from 280 to 295 and Garmin says my VO2 max has gone from 55 to 63. Oh and I feel and sleep much much better. I think I’ll make this permanent!


In! I like to assess where I am every fall. Seems like a good thing to do.


I am…but only as I have my major A race (building towards for 2 years) at the start of November! Saying that I don’t drink much anyway,aybe a small glass of wine 1-2 times per week


Got sober 6 years ago October so this will be my sixth sober October! Been a change for the better for me physically and emotionally.


I’m in…29 years sober!



What sort of alcohol consumption level are you stopping from? I like the idea of a sober October / November for no particular reason. But I also love tucking into a few beers on weekends after a solid week training and with the football on. The problem is when those ‘few beers’ turn into a ‘few more beers’ and I miss a Sunday session from a stupid hangover.


I did this last October for a race at the end of the month. 28km in I had a mechanical and had to DNF! Felt great though.

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I enjoy a beer or two after work, or a glass of good wine with a meal, but I saw a pattern there. I made an effort to drink no alcohol during the week and limit the drinking to the weekend, and even then, perhaps the first round or two would be non-alcoholic for me. I lost about 3 kilos in 2 weeks so there’s that.


I weigh 61kg…if I stop drinking I might disappear :grinning:


What sort of alcohol consumption level are you stopping from?

I have gotten into the habit of having a couple beers each night. Good beers, but still… Probably not in the “wow, i should be concerned” zone, but I know how 2 can turn into 3, etc. I’m pretty sure i won’t give up beer forever: I love, love love having a beer or two with my buddies after a ride. And, I genuinely like beer as a sort of hobby. But, i do think a break like this is a great way to stay mindful about habits and the reasons for any sort of consumption.

This month, i’m also trying to avoid cookies, cake, sweets, etc. That’s actually been harder than beer, to be honest.


I’m a social drinker which saw me drop a lot of weight during covid lockdown. I was under 54kg at one point :hushed: I am back up to 59kg but I think that is from eating cr@p than the moderate social drinking this time :joy:


Me, too.

I just started stopping drinking since I discovered Brooklyn Breweries Special Effects lager, 0.5%, it’s so good. I love beer and this is the first beer I’ve had that wasn’t lacking.