Downgrading from newest Mac Release?

So I accidently pressed to upgrade my TR software on my 2011 imac today and it is not compatible as I realized after the fact I cannot get the newest OS which is no bueno but what can I do as I am going to use the imac until it dies… Where can I find the version prior to this one? Thanks.

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I have the exact same problem, the new software requires bluetooth 4.0. I wish I knew this before upgrading as now there is no connection between my pwoermeter and MacBook. Very frustrating! I believe there are ways of upgrading the 2011 MacBook pro to bluetooth 4.0 but it seems rather technical… IF you can manage to get your hands on the right part.

Hi there! Sorry for the confusion on this one, here’s the last Mac version. This one shouldn’t ask you to update:

Let me know if this helps out!

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Yes I knew but thought I could upgrade. I think I can but honestly am not up to the task right now and will mess with it later. As long as I have the old version which support sent to my email prior to them posting here I am all set for now.

If anyone else knows the way to upgrade my os I would appreciate it.

The Bluetooth 4.0 issue is confusing to me. The requirements say Mac OS 10.8 and above, but I have 10.13 installed and the devices don’t connect with Bluetooth. :man_shrugging:

Hi! I have just reinstalled the lagacy version and re-paired both bluetooth and ant+. It is all working fine!

Thanks very much for your response!

Similar issue with me, my Mac says it has…


  • 802.11n Wi-Fi wireless networking;3 IEEE 802.11a/b/g compatible
  • Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology

But in the new app I cant turn bluetooth on?

To add further confusion on my part, my wireless keyboard and mouse connect via Bluetooth.

You think there’s a limit to the number of connections? Guess I should research someday.

Two pieces here, the computer and the version of OS X. I do not remember when Apple added Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) to their computers. Actually, I remember that it was spread over a number of years depending on which model starting way back in 2011. Also, I believe OS X will have to be at least 10.9 (Mavericks).

I do not believe you can upgrade your own hardware (i.e., switch out a chip) to get BLE. However, you might be able to upgrade OS X and get BLE working if you already have the right hardware.

To see if you have BLE hardware:

  1. Click the Apple on the top left corner.
  2. Select About This Mac .
  3. Click on the More Info… button.
  4. Click on the System Report… button.
  5. Select Bluetooth from the sidebar on the left, underneath “Hardware.”
  6. Scan down the list of information until you find “LMP Version.”

If you have a Mac with Bluetooth 4.0, the LMP Version will say 0x6

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Yeah, mine says 0x4 and at the top under “Bluetooth Low Energy Supported:”, it has “No”

That explains it. Thanks.

(Also, Apple says up to 7 connections can be made to BT)

Do you have a link for the Windows version to downgrade to?

I’ve a windows 10 home edition that isn’t working unless I run in Windows 8 compatibility mode. Weirdly my other 2 Windows 10 machines are fine (but are both Pro).


Yes, here’s a link to the Windows Legacy version as well.

I hope this helps!

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