Hey team and @chad hoping for some advice if you have the time!
So long story short, been using TR since end of Jan 2018 where my first ramp test gave an FTP of 219.
By Nov 2019 my FTP was at 265.
Here is TSS chart (using a power meter outside as well):
In late December 2019 I started working with a coach to work for a specific event and I used TR for a lot of the workouts he wanted me to do. When we started working together he had me complete a ramp test but with a slightly different methodology and he asked me to set my training zones based on an FTP of 255.
In the attached TSS graph you can see a big sustained jump in TSS at the end of 2019 which is where the plan with my coach really started kicking in.
At the end of March i rode the 3 day event culminating with a weekly TSS of 863 - the next week I took easy, finished working with the coach and got back on to the TR plans.
I retested using the TR ramp and recorded an FTP of 265 as part of a low volume plan using plan builder.
After the first block of base I retested and I think recorded the same or there abouts. Note that I was bumping up the TSS with regular outdoor group rides and some of them were really long.
I’ve just completed the first block of sustained build and my tested FTP is 262.
I went into the test feeling well rested, I think I had enough sleep and ate enough as well.
I’m not one to get caught up in numbers too much; I get that my endurance levels could have gone up, that my sustained power might be better but I am concerned a little bit with a slowly declining FTP and what that might be telling me.
My TSS over the last block of sustained power build has declined compared to the last ~6 months and I thought that may be why my FTP has decreased so I was planning to add in more endurance rides.
However, looking through the forum at previous posts, I’m wondering if my TSS trend might be suggesting I need a rest? In particular this thread: Is it normal for your FTP to fall even tho you continue to train?
I’m wondering if the jump in TSS at the start of the year and the relativity high workload (for me) without enough rest may be dragging my FTP down?
I would love to hear any words of advice!
My current thinking is I add some volume for the second phase of build but I’m second guessing myself.
Thanks in advance for any assistance people can help with!