It’s been easy so far. Yes all 5 days of dryness. However the real test will be getting to the end of Saturday evening and not having a drink
@jacemano yep…I’ve got this work related ski league thing in Telluride coming up mid January. It will be my first one and from what I hear it’s basically a week of rolling parties with some skiing mixed in. When I get there and belly up, I plan on tonic and lime from the start…and eating sweets helps too…I’ll be the only one w/o a hangover which in itself is worth it. The difficult part for me being introverted is alcohol is so good at negating those inhibitions when around groups of people I don’t know.
While not technically 100% alcohol free, I have discovered an amazing NA beer that’s allowed me to enjoy my love of beer without the caloric penalty as well as the side effects of alcohol and sleep.
Athletic Brewing Company —
Congrats on the momentum!! Like you I’ve been a couple beers an evening kind of guy for a while. It also would lead me to eating late as well which combined really interrupted sleep quality. I started tracking sleep a few months ago and can see a major difference in my restfulness and HR/HRV when I don’t have a drink. Looks like I may really try to join all of you in this challenge!
For those that have seen big weight loss or other benefits from going dry, how much were you drinking before you stopped? Most of the time I’m a fairly moderate drinker - have a drink maybe 2-3 nights/week on average, and usually only 1 or 2 drinks, maybe 3-4 once every week or two. I’ve never really noticed any benefits from going totally dry compared to moderate. I’ve absolutely noticed the benefits of being moderate/dry when compared to the periods when I’ve over-indulged!
I had a year off once, did I feel any better? nope… moderation is the key, have over indulged over the xmas / new years break so settling back into more moderate drinking now I’m back at work
I’ve been battling with insomnia for a while so I’m trying to cut out anything that could interfere with sleep, even though I don’t consume large amounts of caffeine, and keep consumption to prior to midday. I figure I might as well give it a shot though!
When I am drinking, I’m typically drinking 2-4 beers a couple of weeknights, then knocking back 6-8 on a Saturday night.
I’ve noticed after multiple rounds of going dry anywhere from 6-15 months at a time that it takes a solid two weeks for my metabolism to re-regulate. Then the good stuff (weight loss and a whole lot more… ) really kicks in.
We’re all different. My family has alcoholic genes and I have kind of a semi-allergy to it. Drink a couple of beers, and water seems to come down from the atmosphere and swells up my midsection. It’s visible and rapid. You and many others may not experience this at all.
Yeah, this is my experience too.
If anybody is interested the Stopped Drinking Alcohol thread from last year really gave me some perspective
Started on the 4’th.
Will be dry for 2 months.
Friday 6’th of March will be the next “allowed” beer night for me
One thing I think that’s different between me and most in this thread is I don’t really drink beer. Maybe once or twice a year.
I was drinking 2-4 pints of 7%+ IPAs daily, with 6 pints on the weekend days. Last year, I cut down to a beer every other day and did TR base and build for 6 months or so with a couple big rides. I went from 205lb to 195lb. I’m old and not a racer, just a dude trying to get/stay in shape.
Just had a blood clot, so I’m dry for 6 months. Can’t drink on blood thinners.
I’m in! I haven’t had a drink since Christmas Eve. I’m kinda being forced into it. My Dr. says my cholesterol is high and the only thing lifestyle-wise we can try is eliminating alcohol. So far, I’ve lost a couple of pounds, but the only side-effect is that my wife says I’m increasingly grumpy.
I did this last year. felt like it got me on a great start to losing 15 lbs over the course of the year. I had a beer on Sunday, so i dunno that i can call this a dry month.
What i need is a sugar free month instead. Christmas chocolate, cookies, air, everyting contains added sugar. that’s my vice. Alcohol is just one source of that problem
I have to work my way through all the leftover booze from Christmas… might do February instead.
One thing at a tome
And the Lads have sounded a call to arms this evening.
I’ve not had any alcohol since November 2019. Haven’t lost any weight at all