Dual sided DA power meter

Hi all,

I’m interested in a dual-sided 12sp Shimano DA crank-based power meter. What is the most accurate one available, or is there even an acceptably accurate one available? Is there a consensus about this? Curious to see what the forum has to say. Thanks in advance.

Have a look at the https://www.dcrainmaker.com/ site. Unless things have changed I think @dcrainmaker reviewed the shimano one as poor. 4iii’s had the best IMO in Gen 2 (I’m only running a single side DA crank though) but I think DC’s review of teething problems in gen 3.

Shane Miller also gave the Stages a thumbs up and has a review video on YouTube.

Take a peak at this thread. Ymmv, but my Shimano PM is pretty darn good. Truth be told, I were to do it again, I’d get Quarq cranks for their PM.