Duplicate Devices in Device List

Why do I see duplicate devices in my device list. For example in the image, there is a Hammer 23803 and a Saris ANT+Trainer, but they are both the same thing. Same goes for the HRM. I am using a dongle, but my laptop also has bluetooth.

One is the ant+ signal and the other is Bluetooth. You can see the different icons in the upper right corner.


@Twowkg Should I forget one or the other , or just let it go the way it is? Is one better or more responsive than the other?

It shouldn’t cause issues having both but it depends on your exact setup. Sometimes ant+ can be a bit flakey if there is a lot of interference. If you notice dropouts you can swap to Bluetooth.

For structured wo I’ve been finding bluetooth more stable, almost never had dropouts. With ant+ almost every wo I’ve had minor dropouts that are well appreciated on harder intervals :crazy_face: but I still prefer getting the work properly done. :muscle::hot_face::grin:

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Thanks @SSaldanha . I was wondering what was going on last year with dropouts. This explains it. I’m gonna forget the the ANT+.

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Dont forget it. Use it only for a secondary app if you use one.