I set up my Plan Builder. I edited my calendar to choose outdoor and indoor training days. I went back to Plan Builder to add another race, and I had to start all over again…I couldn’t get to the “edit” part of Plan Builder. I re-added everything and now have duplicate workouts showing up on my “Calendar”.
I needed to change my Sunday workouts to Monday, so I did that, then I needed to add a race to “Plan Builder”, but it wouldn’t let me go straight to “edit”, so I started all over again and now I have duplicate workouts. I tried to delete some, but now am confused about which days to do what workout. I have the same workouts 2 days in a row on most weeks, but I didn’t think that was correct.
Is there a way to re-set my Plan Builder back to the original version?
This is kind of frustrating…but maybe I’m doing something wrong.
Once a PB plan is placed on the calendar, if you manually edit individual workouts (swap inside/outside, shift days, etc.) that “breaks” them of the PB Training Plan. The result is that if you deleted the PBTP, the workouts you “modified” will be left behind.
So, if you plan to delete a PBTP, you should scan your calendar after deleting it, and make sure to manually remove the “broken” workouts.
To avoid this, I think you can use the edit tools in the Training Plan Phases (the lead annotation at each phase start) to adjust the workouts individually. I have not confirmed this, but hope that this method retains the TP connection.
This issue has been mentioned a time or two since it makes removal a chore if you have altered the plan in the way that is easy and obvious.
I am having the same problem. Every time I want to add an event / race to the plan I have to delete the whole thing and start again.
Where is his “edit button” you speak of?
At the moment, we are not able to re-process your Plan Builder plan for a change of events. This funcitonality is something that the team is actively working on, however, we do not have an ETA at this time.
For now, it requires deleting and re-building your Plan Builder plan to account for new/changed events.