Dylan Johnson's "The Problem with TrainerRoad Training Plans": it's gonna be a busy day around here

It would be interesting to know more about the 50% not following a plan - I guess they are following their own plan.

I think it’s also all of those who don’t do racing or any other events and just want to do an occasional workout to keep fit.

Hmmm hope not, that wouldn’t be as useful as part of a validation/test set. Sounds like they’re doing things right so I don’t think that’s likely to be the case?

Probly some people are occasional users and some (like me) are following their own plan because I do not like TR workouts composition and progression. Not to mention that there are some great workouts in tr library but not in plans.


Well just like not all people using zwift will use a training plan (hell, the majority of people don’t)

Having a smart trainer and wanting to have something to control it without all the bell and whistles going off all the time like zwift… or without the investment required for peloton… Why the heck not…

Sure they want to push their plans, as they want you to get faster…but if you remove that aspect… trainer road is still a solid tool for your smart trainer.

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One of the reasons the new ai thingy doesn’t do it for me. So many of their workouts are just wrong — intervals too short, rests too long — and the progressions take too long.
(And…it doesn’t really fix the “too much intensity” problem, but I guess the new plans address that…?)

The right TR workout doesn’t mean it’s the right workout.


They have added recently a lot of great workouts that tackle these issues, so kudos to them. And I hope that new ai will use them in the progression. But I also prefer more focused targeting and, for example, do not like vo2 max, threshold and sst in the same week. When I change 6 workouts in 6 workouts week the plan becomes not very usefull.


So many people talk about “too much intensity” but you seem to be the opposite. If the intervals (I assume you mean the “work” portion) are too short and the rests are too long, I’d say you want more intensity.


looks like the new system is gonna solve that for you :tipping_hand_man:t2:


If adaptive trainings works as well as described in the podcase yesterday it very well may put quite a few coaches out of business.

There’s no pleasing someone who is solely dedicated to complaining


You have to differentiate between doing SSTx5 times a week and doing 2-3 hard workouts per week. And if you have a hard day, make it hard and suitable your abilities. I know I can do 2-3 really hard workouts and rest is Z2 because this is the combination that works the best for me.

Steady state is my strength, and to introduce proper stimulus to elicit some adaptations I need workouts like 2x40 or longer, as I can do 90-120min@90% sst in one go, so doing workout like 5x10 SST would be pointless.
The same with threshold, as this is simply in relation to my strength.


No. As I’ve stated, it’s not the degree of intensity which is the issue, it’s the frequency of the intensity.
Do we really need to be doing “vo2 max, threshold and sst in the same week” for 6-8 weeks?

No, it won’t.
My pre-season extensive SS block goal was 1x120min; 90-105min still isn’t going to do anything for me.
I guess I’m an outlier that doesn’t fit into the TR plan mould.


Done both and done longer. But it is nice to know they finally utilise whole big library of workouts :slight_smile:

This is the moment when TTE has to be taken into consideration. If your TTE is 60 min, doing 90min of SST is basically not a huge problem. This is the component that was discussed many times in different topics. I am not saying that you have to do this type of continous workouts 5xweek, they are still very hard day.

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I see


I did 2x45 tempo as part of warming my legs back up after the offseason… TR doesn’t have anything close to that. Maybe their web based workout creator will make building that out not an exercise in frustration, but still more likely to just spin up my head unit and wait for the clock to say 45.


Free Ride 240 :drooling_face:

Then you don’t have a lap button.

Buttons?! We don’t need no steeenkin’ buttons!

after library update they have:

They really added a lot of quite hard workouts, like many bursts workouts with long intervals, for example: