Best tip here, this is what I’m doing !
Totally agree with you, but it’s tempting to increase our W/Kg (which is overrated according to me) by reducing our weight.
Not sure where you are from but I am in the US. So here is how I think of it,
It’s like making more money but not paying your taxes. Sure you have more money but they will get their money. You won’t know when or how but one day you will wake up and the government will have taken their money back. It’s the same with losing weight to increase W/kg. It looks good today but it will come for you.
Not sure about your analogy, but I agree with your concept of focusing on power not weight (unless overweight).
What I mean by W/Kg is overrated is that I rather have a slightly lower ratio and higher ftp.
I’m in Canada, Quebec, btw !
My bad let me say it this way. The gains you get from losing weight aren’t as valuable as the gains you get my improving power.
Absolutely agree on the over valuation of W/kg. I prefer big power numbers(relatively big).
Most people who do try to lose weight, only really focus on it during the offseason or base period. Once you start your build, your focus should be doing the best you can for your workouts. That means you will probably have to up your calories. you’ll notice a big difference in how you feel and RPE should go down.
Thanks for your reply!
I will try to eat more before and during the workouts to see if this lowers the RPE and increases performance.
Solid foods at 5 AM are not for me so maybe take an extra gel before. And during I will take a sportsdrink with CHO and maybe some extra caffeine.
Thanks again!
I am going to try this for next workouts! Thanks for your advice!
I am a morning session person during the week too, for the last 2+ years. Actually, for most of that time I NEVER ate before the sessions. I was going on Chad’s point about workouts of ~60 or less, the fact I was trying to lose about 5 kg (not much), and the fact that prior to biking, that is how I would do my early gym workouts.
I saw gains. Bigger ones in the first year, fewer/flatter in the second year (though impacted by work, travel, illness). But I did start to feel a little strung out late last year, now am +/- the lowest weight I am willing to be, and am experimenting with fueling. Here are some of my routines/thinking:
-Eat dinner relatively early. Like 5:30, but usually it is a pretty big dinner. I don’t usually eat after this during the week.
-Drink 1 bottle before bed, sometimes supplement with a salt tab, depending on my hydration
-Rise between 4:15 and 5:15, targeting 7-8 hours sleep.
-Make coffee (quick - Aeropress), listen to a podcast/watch part of a bike race, then nature calls.
-Have everything ready (as others say - can’t emphasize enough
-On bike by 6, finished by 7 for catching kids for breakfast, drive to school
This generally worked for a long time. But this year, I feel like I have had better success with the following:
-Temperature control. This makes a massive difference for me. In hot weather, making sure I adjust AC down as soon as I wake up. Bought higher power fans. In winter, turn off heat and open door to garage (adjacent to where I ride). Even on light days. I used to try Pettit days with no fans. F* that, if the focus is on getting work done.
-Right-sized eating / timing. This is the hardest. I still fast on endurance/recovery days. No problem. On hard days, ideally I eat oatmeal/banana when I wake up, and postpone my ride until 8:15, when I get home from dropping the kids off (or 7 when they are off). If not an option, a clif bar, peanut butter pretzels, banana, toast with jam have all been tried. Quick to digest. Plus a drink on the bike. I can’t tolerate my first eating while on the bike for some reason.
-Lights/entertainment – I cannot watch anything anymore on the bike. I dim the lights to almost off. I have to listen to music that motivates me. In noise-canceling headphones. I need to be in a zone. Figured that out a few months ago.
-Consistency. In sleep (amount, waking time), effort, and recovery. I usually wake up around the same time on the weekends too.
-Variety. In having outside options. Inevitably, I get motivated by indoor workouts, then get burnt out and need to go outside, then vice versa. I have terrain for good 1-3 min VO2 max, 10-15 minute SS/threshold, and some endurance riding (nothing with too many/short/complicated changes). Also, get to know what your body is craving. Sometimes I feel like I want to do a VO2 max day, sometimes a long endurance in aero position. Some focused on breathing/pedaling. Not to the detriment of the plan, but to feed your body and mind. The other day I did backbone +2 outside, even though I was finishing SSB1, and I loved it. Set me up for a great week. Lastly, I have started working in yoga/stretching/strengthening before/after ride when I have time and it has been a game changer for body mechanics/aches/pains.
Anyone got a recommendation for a substitute for coffee?
I don’t have an espresso machine and I am usually on the bike within 10 mins of waking up, so would love some pointers for something that gets into the system fast without being detrimental to health. I am a bit wary of prolonged use of proplus or should it be ok?
I’ve been doing morning rides for the past 4 months and I don’t want to be doing every ride fasted going forward as I know this will probably limit any gains in vo2 or sweetspot work. Any tips for glycogen that gets into the system fast? Like 500ml sport drink or something?
I did a short (45 minute) VO2 max workout this morning straight from bed. I made some tea (low caffeine) and popped in a piece of caffeine gum before the warm-up, had a gel after the warm-up and then hit my intervals (total calorie burn was around 750 over the 45 minutes).
Don’t do that to yourself!
You could make cold brew coffee and it would be ready and waiting for you in the morning. You can buy come specialized brewing equipment but a french press works pretty well.
When my espresso machine was on the fritz, I just used my press. Takes slightly longer, but still a very good cup. I really don’t like drip coffee. For away trips/races I’ve got a single dose press.
I feel like a bit of a unicorn (or special snowflake ) in this thread not needing the time or caffeine. I’m up at 6-6:15 every morning and on the bike anywhere from five to fifteen minutes later depending on if I eat toast before (hard workout) or not. I don’t take my coffee until after the workout with my breakfast. I’ve generally found once I get going on the bike, I’m good. Now, if I ever have to shift that to a 4am wake up
, that might change things!
My motivation to do VO2max work is highest, and it’s hardest for me to get out of bed for Pettit… motivation scales with workout intesity for me.
Like most others, I set up everything - bike, trainer, kit, iPad connected to TV, headphones ready, etc., the night before. If it’s a hard workout, I put two or three pieces of frozen Ezekiel raisin bread in the toaster; they thaw overnight. Hit toast, add honey, eat, then on the bike. If it’s Pettit or similar, it’s just wake → business → kit → bike.
I’ve really enjoyed my transition to strictly morning training, as I’d say I now average 4 out of 5 rides per week at 6:15a. Every once in a while I get lazy, sleep in, and do an afternoon ride following work, but that’s less common and usually impacts my ride the next day because I’m old, so I tend to avoid it. The feeling of having the workout in frees up my mind for the rest of the day and has reduced “life complexity” tremendously.
For fast coffee I use an Aeropress and an oversized oven burner. I can get a great cup of coffee usually in 3-4 minutes this way.
I get up at 4:00 am Monday and Tuesday and 3:45 on Thursday. It was tougher at first, but listening to the podcasts for a few weeks gave me the motivation. Like others, I prepare the night before. My bibs, jersey and socks and water bottles filled. all software updated, hardware charged, etc. I don’t eat, just brush my teeth, pop my contacts in and hop on the bike. Takes just a couple of minutes to be glad I did it.
On mornings I do 5 am workouts, I set the coffee maker for 4:45 and wake up at 4:50. Drink a cup as I get dressed and start the apps and am on the bike just before 5. Thermal carafes are awesome as coffee is still hot when wife wakes up at 6.
Im doing more and more of them and I find them tough. SS and above I find hard to do fasted. Usually a gel with some caffeine when I wake and a bottle with Roctane or similar while Im riding. Leconte today at 5am and oof!!!
When I wake to the alarm which is set for 4.15 a.m I often ask myself, why?
I’m here in the pursuit of being faster, trying to beat down my competitors with my fitness, strategy and knowledge of a thousand+ like-minded individuals who dedicate a substantial part of their life to trainerroad.
I wouldn’t have it any other way, beep … beep … beep …
leconte broke me the other day