Edge 530 showing power target as zero on outside workouts

Hi all

I have recently upgraded my cycle computer to an Edge 530. I created a custom workout screen (recommended by Jonathon on the Podcast) with the “workout target power” field included, but on each of the outside workouts I have done, the target power for each interval has shown as 0, however, the Garmin default workout screen with the graph and range chart shows the correct target power for the interval. Anyone else had this issue and solved it?

I should say that outside workouts worked flawlessly fit years on my previous Edge 520+.


Not sure what the issue is here, but you could install the connect iq app TarPow and it will show the correct target wattage.

Thanks I’ll look into it - I should have taken a photo of the Edge screen. It appears that the target power from the workout isn’t pulling through to the computer on the custom data screen I created, so that every interval shows target power as 0 instead of the value it should be. The problem with the Garmin workout screen is that it doesn’t display your current power so it’s difficult to check that I am hitting the right power

Hey there,

Sorry to hear about the trouble – it may be worth double checking these couple of articles to make sure your Garmin’s setup matches our recommendations:

Do you recall the name of the workout you did with your new Edge 530? It looks like it might be “White -5” looking at your TR Calendar, but I want to make sure – we’ll take a look at the workout itself on our end too to make sure there aren’t any issues with it.

Yes, it was White -5

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