Endless Pool vs Jet System (NOT cycling related)

In this era of shut down public pools, I’ve taken the plunge and decided to install an in-ground pool. My dream of installing a 25 yard single lane backyard pool was crushed, however, when I was quoted over $70k for such a set-up. Makes me kick myself for not buying the house with that exact pool when I had the chance a decade ago.

Anyway, I’m doing research into alternatives, and I know a lot of pro triathletes use endless pool or other swim spa options. I had an opportunity to try a Marquis Sport swim spa, and was disappointed with the current.

As a compromise to my wife and kids, we are going to likely install an in-ground pool with either jets or endless pool tech. My pool contractor recommended a 700gpm Badu system at about the same cost as an Endless Pool Fastlane Pro.

Does anyone have any experience with either of these systems? I really don’t want to spend 8-10 grand, on top of the cost of the pool, to be disappointed in my dream of being able to do a swim workout session in my backyard.

I know this is not what you asking, but i heard of people having good results using bungee cords to hold them while they swim. Not sure how effective are they tho.

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I’m familiar with people using bungees. I haven’t really tried them before. I know people use the currents to get enough resistance without using cords, and I’d like to know more. If i spend $8k on a jet system, but ultimately also require cords, Id probably feel like it was a waste of money, and i should just go with the bungees.

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My swimming coach has a Michael Phelps swimming spa (Masters Spas).
I haven’t use it, but he seems to like it a lot (he is a very strong swimmer)

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I havent had much luck finding experience or reviews of people actually using jets or swimspas for regular training.

I would email Paul Newsome at SwimSmooth, they use them for teaching so he might have a view? (Contact details on their website)

I had my Fastlane Pro installed about 3 weeks ago, in a new pool build. I really like it. I watched some review videos of the Badu, and the bubbles blowing in the swimmer’s face were a turn off for me. The FL Pro is a smooth current. I have no problem swimming in it. I am still deciding if I want to get the $1000 add-on which allows you to connect a tablet to it via WiFi and program a workout. If you call the company, they can tell you where the nearest owner is and you can go for a test swim. My kids love playing in the current, BTW. And it ties them out, happily. RE: bungee cords - they are the WORST. I swam competitively through college and we all hated when the coach made us use those stupid things. Zero training value. If you are considering that, just go with a dry-land swim bench. Better than nothing.

I will start with preface I’m not a competitive swimmer.
I have one of the bungee systems in my pool and it is not good. With out the flow of water past my body the flotation is all off. I end up either having to kick like crazy or using a pool Buoy.

No experience with the jet systems.

I just swim tethered (bungee) it is a lot cheaper


I have swam in the Fastlane pools and they are AWESOME. Really awesome. The wait times just for the jets is like eight months right now though because so many people have ordered them.

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I’ve been a pool builder for over 25 years and have swam against most of the systems at least once. From a service standpoint I HATE the Endless fastlane systems in i/g pools, but they provide a far superior swimming experience. I’ve installed multiple fastlanes and we even have our own swim jet system that we put in our pools. You will not get a smoother, more consistent current than what fastlane provides.
However, if you live in a climate where things must be winterized the fastlane is more expensive and difficult to winterize and every time it’s removed and re-installed it provides an opportunity for oil to be leaked into the pool. No matter what they say, it’s not easy to clean up.
Fastlane oil should be changed every 2-3 years and the motor life can be shortened by not doing so. As long as you know and plan for that up front you’ll be ok.
We currently sell Endless pools fitness systems (swim-spas) and have had good luck with them from a service standpoint, but we have stopped installing the endless system in i/g pools because of the additional maintenance headaches.


Never tried a jet system but a friend of mine has a fast lane and likes it genuinely (he was a former competitive swimmer).

Bungee chords are a decent option but there are very relevant differences vs against current swimming.

The chord should be fixed at a higher level to prevent the legs from sinking and a snorkel is a great add on because since one does not move, there is no bow wave around the head and the need for breathing in forces either a head lift or some kind of over rotation.

My friend rates swimming in an Endless Pool system like a 8 out of 10 when compared with the real thing and I would say that a bungee system properly tweaked would achieve a 5 at most.

We went with the in-ground option. I live in Tucson, AZ. We don’t “winterize”, but we do get a couple of hard freezes each winter, lasting maybe a day or two. I’d be happy to take any advice you have with regards to maintenance on a $10k piece of equipment.

I couldn’t justify the cost of the swim spa model with all my kids wanting a play pool as well. And I certainly couldn’t justify the cost of a 20-25 yard single lane pool (I tried).

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