Erg mode on tacx flux 2 and zwift

Running tacx flux 2 on windows 11 pc on zwift via ANT+ usb dongle. I have an extension cord for the USB that i wrap around the seat stay so that USB dongle is right next to tacx.

I’m having this issue with ERG mode on zwift. I use zwofactory to build my trainerroad workouts into zwift because staring at TR is boring.

ERG mode seems to work fine for an hour or so, then it just shuts off.

Or I’ll have this issue where its like ERG mode is continually cutting out every few seconds. it’s almost like a stutter.

Tried pausing the workout on zwift, unplug/replug the trainer. same for ANT dongle. not fixed.

firmware on tacx is uptodate.

getting really frustrated with not being able to complete my workouts as prescribed.

Did you ever resolve this issue? I am experiencing similar issues with ERG mode.

It’s been awhile, but I ended up getting a USB bluetooth dongle for my computer.
Also helps to turn off other bluetooth devices in the vicinity, but if i remember correctly, the usb bluetooth dongle with a usb extension cord seem to work well.