Fantastic Coggan podcast

Free-form Coggan discussing many interesting topics. Awesome.


Apple Podcast link for those like me who listen to podcasts while walking their dogs :dog2: :dog: :rofl:


some commentary on the podcast over on this thread:

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The two Empirical cycling podcasts with him are also great:


Thanks for that. I used that link & listen to the cast this weekend.

I failed to find it when searching to sharing here this morning. Solid grab & share :+1:

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Chad, you just made my day. Not only are you on here putting in the work to keep this forum from descending (further) into chaos, you referred to the podcast/episode as a “cast”. Thank you.

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Thanks for the props. I do what I can :wink:

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Coggan quotes worth repeating.

“What’s the best training program…science can’t answer that.”

“The best predictor of performance is performance itself.”

“I don’t listen to podcasts.”

“Keep it Jimmy Buffet style.”


Spotify “cast” link to save others the search: Spotify


“All models are wrong, but some are useful.”

“There is no such thing as a perfect training plan.”

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Another goodie from a few years ago with Coggan - Sweet Spot Training with Dr. Andy Coggan, Ph.D – FasCat Coaching)

I particularly like how Coggan articulates the enzymatic, mitochondrial and capillarization improvements that come from sweetspot and threshold training, of which have made up the bulk of training studies for over 50 years, and how these improvements are more important to performance than cardiovascular improvements alone. Coggan has been able to articulate this information better than the TR staff ever have, which is disappointing in a way because I’ve always been keen for TR to explain the exact basis for their approach to training with references to scientific literature (notwithstanding their own data). No hate, I love the TR folk and the training platform.


Am I the only one who finds Coggan to be kind of a douche

He says a lot without saying anything.


I find his manner smug and dismissive. He talks as if everyone should understand physiology like its common sense. But he does have a lot of knowledge and delivers good information if you can get past his somewhat abrasive delivery.


Agree. He’s also very dismissive towards ISM while admitting he has no idea what ISM himself is saying and only having heard from 3rd parties. Like, he acts like ISM said you don’t need intensity and Z2 is the only thing Pog does, while he never said anything like that.

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Some may not like his style but that is certainly not true IMO.

To me, he is the most straight forward and to the point expert on training physiology. He doesn’t try to shroud basic concepts like endurance training (zone 2) in mystery or create a business around a bogus concept like VLAmax. He’s the first to say “we’ve known that for 50 years”.


Honestly, I’m not sure what ISM is really saying sometimes. Hours and hours of podcasts to say ride zone 2?

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Honestly, even before this I felt like ISM was just making stuff up. The whole 20 minute metabolism thing just seemed so quirky that it didn’t feel real. I’m still a z2 proponent, but not for the reasons he states.

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Seiler agrees with coggan (vs ism) point on the fat metabolism controversy from 1:17:12 here:

Seiler again in solid presentation mode and nice to see „Agrees with Andy Coggans points that lactic acid does not inhibit fat oxidation“

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Yeah, well, that is Coggan in a nutshell. He’s always been that way.

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You have to have something to listen to while you ride hours and hours of Zone 2, no?