Searching Episode Lists in the TrainerRoad forum:
- ??? More instructions to come once they are in place. ???
Searching Soundcloud:
- Note: Do this from a web browser on PC or mobile, not the Soundcloud app.
Click in the “Search” box and, enter “TrainerRoad” plus one or two key words, and then run the search.
- Example: TrainerRoad Stage
- To find “TrainerRoad” episodes containing “Stage” racing info.
- Tip: It is generally best to keep search terms to a minimum to find the most results. If there are too many to filter through, revise search terms as needed and repeat.
- Example: TrainerRoad Stage
Open the full page for any episodes that look like possible results you want.
- The key word(s) from the search may not be in the main title that is visible.
From the full episode page, click the [Show more] button to see the full Topics List.
Tip: Do a text search (usually CTRL+F) on the page and search for the same key word(s) that you used in the original search.
- This should make finding it in the Topics List a bit easier, so you can review that line and see if it applies to your needs.
Or you can simply read the full Topic list to find your interest.