Hi all - I keep searching in forums and getting annoyed. Can someone perhaps explain how to connect the Favero Assioma duo shi pedals to garmin edge (820)?
If I add new sensors on my Garmin I only find one the pedals and my power shown is 50%. In the Assioma app I can connect to both pedals.
Sound like it’s connecting via bluethooth and not ANT+ and only one pedal?
You can set it to double the power when in bt mode in the Assioma app but I’d rather make sure it connects via ANT+
Use the app to set it to Universal L Bluetooth channel (this sends data from both pedals to the head unit through the left pedal, rather than just doubling the left power). But I agree that ANT+ is likely better for connecting to an 820. You should see the ant+ option first when selecting sensors, maybe delete the one you have and try again.