I have not traveled very much with my bike, and living in Florida I get blessed with decent weather but zero climbs. Some time soon I want to do a blue ridge parkway trip or something in that area.
Every year I do a weeks vacation on Sanibel Island here in Florida and absolutely love it for riding. I’m currently running plan builder to make sure I am in shape to maximize my time there in July.
Where is your favorite place you have ever ridden?
Without a doubt Portugal has been my favorite place to ride and I’m itching to go back. My parents’ home there is near a cat 2 mountain summit that I can reach in an hour. Plus I did a granfondo which also had amazing scenery. I’m also partial to the area I grew up in in southern MA and there’s lovely coastal and farm roads. Less impressive is Nebraska. I did gravel worlds and its really all the same, lots of corn and lots of rolling hills lol
Western Washington North of Seattle in the early 90’s before it got so crowded. Also the southern Willamette Valley around Eugene Oregon is beautiful with plenty of narrow forest roads put in by logging companies in the past.
My list of places I’ve cycled is very short, but I really enjoyed the northern stretch of the Natchez Trace near Nashville TN…beautiful hills, smooth pavement and very few cars. Mt Lemmon in Tucson was also a majestic place to ride, but it was such a difficult climb for me I mentally associate it with unpleasantness now, but that whole area of the US is so beautiful.
I selected Western North Carolina as a home 14 years ago so I feel like every ride is a destination ride. I’m poorly traveled but I did have a really fun VTT ride in San Raphael France. Covered some of the Roc d’Azur course.
I really enjoy the slightly less local rides in Eastern Tennessee. And Vermont, all of riding I’ve done in Vermont has been amazing. I’ve ridden a lot in Upstate NY as well.
Over 100 miles of cycle lane through the desert. You see all aspects of the city, good and bad, along it.
In the summer it’s a scorcher. In the rain, it’s fragrant and beautiful. Lots of colorful characters along the way. During the winter, you can freeze and get overheated.
I get to Captiva as often as I can (not quite every year), and rent a Jamis from Billy’s, usually during a slow week in early December. Its a glorious time to be down there. Pools are empty, beaches are empty, and although its flat as can be, the fact that I’m on there in good weather, and get 2-4 hours a day to ride makes it pretty great (wife still runs silly early, so does the midday kids activities without complaint).
Colorado climbs are on my bucket list, the Adirondack mountains too…
I’m still at the stage in life where I need to adapt my riding to the vacation, rather than vacation for ridings’ sake. I was trying to find a Ritchey Breakaway to hang some parts on to make it a little easier, but a 60cm breakaway used is like [searching for a simile I just can’t find]. For the next year or so, it looks like we’ll be driving, and so I’m putting the family bike rack up on the list.
Living in South Wales I thought I was lucky with riding around here - both on and off road. But then I went to North Wales and it was next level road riding. Am yet to take the MTB up there but will do once we are free to travel!