Feature request - extend warmup before starting workout

Can I please request the ability to extend the warmup period on a workout before the workout starts.

I train on rollers, and extending warmup at the moment has me clipping in and pedalling to start the workout, then briefly stopping pedalling and unclipping so that I can tweak the warmup time. I use TR on an iPad supported on a stand in front of my bike. Tweaking the warmup whilst still spinning would almost certainly result in me and the bike flying off the rollers. I need to do this adjustment to warmup duration whilst the bike is static.

Many thanks.

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I would do your own predefined warm prior to starting the TR workout. Mine typically are only 6 to 9 minutes. It allows you to make any last minute adjustments, get food, water, etc.


I’m also using rollers and cannot use this feature as it currently is. Would very much like the option before the workout starts to extend the warmup and/or warm down.


Upvote for this, and ideally cooldown too (I’m also on rollers, so touching these during workout is a bit dicy)

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