Feature request: Indoor workouts to Garmin


I have been using TR for while and got hooked during the winter. When the summer came and TR announced the outdoor workouts I was happy doing those. And that got me thinking.

I have been using my Edge 820 to track my rides to Garmin connect. Just as a backup and to get my HR and cadence since my phones ant+ connection was broken in the last android update.

So for the feature request. Could it be possible to get the workouts pushed to my Garmin device so I could get the “laps”/intervals to match. Now TR will have the intervals as described but Garmin will show 5km laps.

I understand that this could mean that people would want to use the Garmin to command the trainer instead of TR app but it would be enough if the Garmin would have correct length of laps without power target data.

Also I understand that this is not something that you should use a lot of resources but if it could be easily done. If so I think you should consider it.


Have you tried by using the “Outside Workout” feature, but doing it inside on the trainer?

They have the inside workouts in the plans setup with a close replica for the outside workout version. I think you can swap the workout to the “Outside” option and run it from your Garmin while on the trainer.

That it might be possible to run that as Resistance or ERG, but I am not totally familiar with the options from the Garmin side.

Also, I don’t know where you are getting the “5km laps” info, because nothing in the TR workouts is distance based. Maybe that is a Garmin side issue?


If you go to Garmin Edge settings for your activity profile, you can tweak the lap length (even disable it if you want)
