With TrainingPeaks plans, the synchronization if much better especially for Triathletes.
- Cycling workouts automatically pushed to Zwift as available workout
- Running workouts automatically pushed to Garmin
- Run and Swim workout results are pulled from Garmin and Strava into the calendar
It seems like TR is focusing on their workouts (adaptive) and not doing any development on ways to work into the broader fitness ecosystem. If TrainingPeaks can do it why can’t TrainerRoad?
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Happy to help provide some insight!
To speak more to our process for vetting feature requests, while implementation may seem simple, we try to focus on building features that will be the most effective at helping the greatest number of athletes get faster immediately (Adaptive Training release for all athetes for example). I hope that makes sense, its not that we think this is a ‘bad idea’ or not an important request, our developers are simply putting their energy into big releases at the moment. 
We’ll keep improved syncing options in mind for the future!
The triathlon stuff seems to be hardest and understand that adding 2+ more sports is a lot of work.