Apologies if this has been requested before. I searched and didn’t see this one specifically.
On days that workouts are repeated in the future, it’d be great to be able to quickly access the last X amount of times that workout has been completed and review any notes associated with each of the sessions.
I believe I saw a request for the ability to analyze those workouts, which I’ll +1 that as well.
Overall, the goal would be to get a sense of progress by quickly accessing other completed sessions on the workout day. I would imagine there’s a data opportunity for TR to mine from the notes as I would guess this could cause an increase in users adding notes to the field (that is a bit buried at the moment.
Was thinking more in line with the workout day in the app. While new to TR, I find myself clicking in to the calendar then the workout for the day to look at summary. I imagine as I get more familiar with each workout it’d be good to see with a click what I did on the past (and any notes I made).
From a UX standpoint, it would make looking at progress quicker & easier.