It would be great to be able to see what exact intervals I can expect until the end of the workout. I’d like to be able to scroll through the entire workout and not just current +three immediate intervals.
This is at least partly related to an existing request. I may merge yours into this one, but am not sure at this time.
In the software it’d be good to be able to see the target power & duration of the next interval coming up, for example…
“Up next: 1 min @ 324W”
It’d help to set the appropriate gearing/cadence quickly when using a dumb trainer. If you’re doing a short high intensity interval you don’t want to be messing around trying to dial in the correct gearing/cadence for half of it.
I know you can see the power profile of the workout in the graph, but you can’t see the exact power target that will be up …
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