Hi, is there any chance of getting target power added to the workout analysis in the intervals section? it may only be me but, particulalry after outside workouts, i like to look back and see if i’ve hit the numbers and i find that i have to go back and find the original workout and then go back and forth between the two.
i’m probably the only person who cares about this 
I updated your title, since there are Targets listed for TR Inside workouts already. This request is purely for Outside ones, so I wanted that clear in the title, for TR to have in their list correctly.
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Do you use Garmin? If you look at your workout in Connect the power targets are there.
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in the app or on the web page? i can’t see it
Both, in mobile head over to your graphs and look at Power; Grey is target and purple is actual.
Same on web.
Thanks! Im bumping this to the team as a comprehensive request for better visibility for TR data; a filter for outside workouts, HR data analysis, better season comparison views, this current thread’s request of post-ride analysis that includes what the target power was by lap, etc. LOTS of stuff for us to improve upon!