I’m excited to hear mature adults discuss the topic in a civilized manner, it only took 1600 posts on the forum for the hysteria to die down but I know you guys will be more professional in your responses.
If there’s a “taking questions from the peanut gallery” for this, I’m genuinely curious to hear your arguments for why the plans are set up the way they are, and why the weekend rides default to more intensity with a long easy ride as an alternative, feels sometimes like it should be the other way around. If Chad only made it 3 weeks into that HV plan it definitely makes me weary of trying it myself so wondering what the rationale is for building the plans this way
I’m an n=1 and I’m certainly prone to overcooking, but I really enjoy SSB HV (I’ve done it 3 times in the past year), and I’m no special athlete. I guess maybe I see 60mins of sweet spot time in zone, which a lot of workouts have, as absolutely doable day to day. I don’t think the progression gets really tough until week 4 or 5 of ssb2, so if I were to sub longer endurance on the weekend it would be those weeks.
I’m really interested in this one. I hope there is some mention in the data that you have from users. I don’t think users are entitled to any of the data or analysis, but I would like something more in depth than “our data says”. I also can’t wait for a Chad deep dive on the science that Dylan presented.