Hi All, anyone have experience with shipping bikes often with a soft sided bike bag or hard case?
Im worried the soft sided Evoc bags will get smashed but I don’t have any first hand experience.
Im shipping XL enduro bikes so it needs to be big.
Thanks guys, Kyle
Can you find/modify a cardboard bike box and put the soft case inside?
I’ve shipped through BikeFlights, but always in cardboard bike/wheel boxes and always UPS (UPS was always cheaper).
Never had damage.
I did it with an PostCarry… no problem. You might want to wrap it in stretch wrap and put an airtag in it. https://www.amazon.com/WiiGreen-Stretch-Industrial-Strength-Wholesale/dp/B09Z7TPSDX?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1
Land it at a hotel, Kinkos, bike shop, shipping store, rental home, etc. If you don’t have a place, make a reservation at a common business hotel (courtyard by mariott) and then cancel it before you’re charged. Then just retrieve the bag saying you cancelled your reservation.
BikeFlights and Shipbikes are just UPS/Fedex with a discount code, so use them. I think they are both UPS, which is preferable right now. Note that an inch here, inch there, can put you from $60 → $120 easily - like 28in tall is a critical dimension. It might make sense to get a shipping specific bike box (Fedex Kinkos sells one for example)