I think there are 2000+ messages on the forum debating what Polarized actually is.
There’s no book about what it is, and Seiler has said contradicting things on podcasts and in research. Our goal is to make these new POL plans as close to Seiler’s recent recommendations as possible.
There are some things that can’t happen. IE 80/20 workout distribution with 90/10 TIZ is not possible in a 3.5-hour plan. That would only give you two hard workouts over three weeks, and thus you’d have a week with zero Z3 work.
This leaves us in a tricky situation. We know there will be much debate over these plans so I wanted to share some principles right now that we’re following and get feedback from the community.
8 Week - with recovery every 4th week
6 week - with recovery on the 6th week
The 6-week plan is made to slot into the “base” phase and replaces a plan there. We have a choice; should we have the recovery week on the 6th week or go 2:1 then 2:1 for recovery? We could also just drop the 6-week plan and only offer the 8-week plan.
Workout Intensity Distribution
Low Volume - One Z3 per week
Mid/High Volume - Two Z3 per week
Long Ride
The plans have an escalating long ride on Sunday. (except for low volume 6 week due to time constraints)
6 Week Plan Max Ride
Low Volume - 1.5 Hours
Mid Volume - 3 hours
High Volume - 4 hours
8 Week Plan Max Ride
Low Volume - 3 hours
Mid Volume - 4 hours
High Volume - 5 hours
Workout Type
We stick to the 4/8/16 interval length recommendation from Seiler. He’s mentioned two minutes rest between intervals before but has said if that’s not enough just take more.
Our workouts are built in terms of Adaptive Training and we’ve built lots of them to help fill in the levels to meet you where you are at.
There is a stepped warm-up with a couple of minutes in Z2. This is the only time you’ll touch Z2.
What do ya’ll think of this structure? What do you think of the 6 week work/recovery ratio?
**Note: The plans that some people saw early are not the POL plans I’m talking about here. We haven’t released anything yet.