Hi I normally ride on wahoo kickr. I got Feedback Sports Omnium Trainer with virtual resistance for traveling. When I used Trainer Road with my Omnium I quickly realized the “real” power I was actually pedaling to make the virtual power line match the trainerroad workout was ridiculously and significantly harder. The only way I could manage was to lower the % effort of the workout by 20%. Based upon my perceived effort and Heart Rate, I probably should have lowered it another 10% to be in “sweet spot” range of the workout I was doing.
To get around this problem on the spot, I reduced the power on the TR work-out by 20-30%, mimicking the graph with the yellow line way below where Trainerroad would think I was but I was truly producing way more power. Is there a better way to address this? If not - at the end of my rides w my power / TSS scores are way off. So my question - Is there any way to change settings to make this “virtual” power more matched to my real power? hope that makes sense.
For the above - I am not looking to match power perfectly as it is virtual power and will only use this trainer occasionally so I’m ok with power being a little “off”, but 20-30% (maybe even more) is drastically off. look forward in hearing any workarounds or thoughts how to make better.
Thanks I definitely could take pressure up and might help some.
what about selecting other types virtual power trainers in the TR setting and keep testing different picks until I find one that seems to be a better match? Or does that thinking process completely not work because TR and the wrong virtual power meter option would not even find one another?
You could do another FTP test using virtual power. Pre-workout, change your FTP to the appropriate one for the trainer being used that day. Otherwise, I think there is a “workout” in the TR library that can be done with a power meter and speed sensor to get a new virtual power curve for your specific trainer. I don’t recall the name of it.
Note to all - I just talked to TR . . . they said don’t use the “TrainerPowerCurveMeasurement” mentioned above. Rather just do an FTP test on the virtual trainer and change the FTP every time you do a workout on the alternative trainer (also mentioned above). This will keep your TSS more consistent
I also find that equal wattage on trainers with very small flywheels/low inertia (Feedback Omnium) feels significantly harder than the same wattage on trainers with large flywheels/high inertia. I think it has to do with working during dead parts of the pedal stroke that the inertia is usually helping me over. It feels like riding in sand to me.
Yup. It is a more dramatic example of the Big vs Small Chainring discussion for smart trainers in ERG mode. The difference in flywheel inertia is real, but noticed more in some cases than others.
This trainer and many other low cost ones with small flywheels will demand more from the legs throughout the pedal circle, in order to maintain a steadier power and cadence (that doesn’t pulse).
I had the same issue with my feedback omnium and virtual power. It was pretty demoralizing when I thought I lost over 100 watts on my FTP during my off season. I got a power meter and realized that the TR power curve must be off.