Hi everyone, thank you all for the help! The Tri went swimmingly 
TLDR: took it easy in the swim, ramped up the bike and run as they went on, probably could have gone faster but enjoyed the event immensely
According to my start and end times I think I finished around 1:23-24ish, waiting for my official time to come through as my timing chip got knocked off in the swim.
The single biggest piece of advice that helped me through the swim was “just really enjoy the swim”. Instead of worrying about what time I was going to end up with, I just took my time and only probably lost 2 minutes or so compared to if I had really gone for it. I got out of the water feeling so much more relaxed and fresh.
T1 went really nicely, I took someones advice to just sit down and get my shoes and everything on and that really helped me stay calm and I didn’t fumble anything. Grabbed a gel then got on the bike.
I started off the bike nice and easy, the course was gently rolling so was easy to get into a good pace. There were sections with big potholes but the UK Triathlon marshals did a really good job of spraying them so they were easy to spot. It felt really good leapfrogging people! In hindsight I probably held back a bit too much on the bike as I didn’t want to blow up before the run, but I was happy with my pacing.
T2 was easy, elastic laces on running shoes are a godsend. Another gel, probably not needed but it made me feel good, and then on to the run.
The run was 4 laps of a route around a grass field. I didn’t look at my watch for the first lap, just went from feel going for a moderate pace but one slightly easier than a 5k pace. I checked my watch as I finished my first lap and was happy with the pace so upped it a little for the next lap, and kept increasing the pace as I went. Again I probably could have gone quicker but I played it safe trying to keep my pace in check.
Overall I really enjoyed the event, and beat my self imposed target of 1:30 so happy with that! My plan now is to take a couple of weeks off structured training then get back into it with some base later this month and start looking at events for next year.
Once again, a big thanks for everyones advice, it really helped me to keep calm and let me enjoy my first sprint Tri!