Forced off bike time

Hello! I was wondering why trainerroad doesn’t update workouts based on what you have done recently like I thought it was supposed to? For example, I think I have been training little to much for too long without full recovery. Basically recovery a bit but when I do my recovery week all my high endurance rides feel to hard and then by the time Tuesday comes around I am not really recovered for that hard ride or of do complete it then its basically wipes me out rest of the week and this cycle goes on amd on. Well now its been 2 weeks that I have been sick and I am super fatigued and can’t even do low zone 2 so I opted to rest. My FTP droped from 247 to 242 but I also think my ftp is still too high or I am just doing too much intensity and not enough actual true zone 2 rides the idea of hard rides hard and easy be easy which I dont find high endurance easy. So basically now I have hard workout tomorrow and that’s not happening. If I go train now its giving me Treshold workout!! Shouldn’t it know that since I even put sick and give me just ENDURANCE ride and adjust my plan kill my high intensity and basically give me week of endurance rides as I start to feel better to actuality active more, bring back blood plasma etc. Instead both trainnow and plan wants me to JUMP straight into high intensity? Like I need explanation how is that effective? After not pushing hardly anything 2 or 3 plus weeks every podcast, etc. Nobody recommends rushing into intensity immediately. Would like to hear about this on Podcast perhaps or any answers here definitely appreciated. Thank you!

Hey there and welcome to the TR community!

First, if you’re sick, you should take some time off to rest and recover. I know it can be tempting to continue on without taking a break (trust me, I’ve done it myself!), but you need to recover back to 100% health before you can train efficiently. It sounds like you’ve been sick for at least 2 weeks now and that you are having trouble with low Z2, which to me seems like a serious sign that you need to take some time off.

We’d recommend resting until you’re feeling 100% again, and then taking a couple of more days off to really ensure you’re ready to get back to training. It’s tough to stop, but your fitness will thank you in the long run!

For clarity’s sake, TrainNow doesn’t know that you’re sick. It will give you recommendations based on any red/yellow days you have on your TR Calendar, but if you don’t have any red/yellow days on there, it will continue to serve you workouts as usual. If you’re sick, again, we’d recommend taking time off from training to recover.

Moving forward, if you find that your Z2 workouts are too difficult (particularly during recovery weeks or on days you’d like to take easier), we’d recommend using Workout Alternates to find a replacement training session if what’s initially slotted in isn’t quite right for how you’re feeling on a given day.

Hope that helps clear things up – feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions!

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