Free phone app that displays power

Are there any half decent apps that will allow your iphone (or android) display power?
I have assioma pedals, the assioma app doesnt let you see the power you are producing.

I can’t find any way for Garmin Connect to display it either.

Surely there must be a free app that does this. All i have found is Wattdr
I just want to ride to power on my spin bike but its too hard to see my garmin headunit with the garage lighting.

One option:

The Wahoo Fitness App is more than half decent. It pairs with any bluetooth sensors and turns your phone into a full fledged cycling computer with the full range of cycling data fields including power, HR, averages, lap timer etc and it will be big and bright enough to see in dim lighting.

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I use ISmoothRun, which doors this both on the phone and on Apple Watch (assuming you’re on iOS)…

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