From SSB HV1 to MV2?

I’ve completed the first 3 weeks of SSB HV1 and have enjoyed it so far. I complete the rides before work so have been going to bed really earlier so I can be up at 5 and finish before 7.30 (I need at least 8hrs a night).

I’d like to continue with HV2 after Xmas but I don’t think I’m going to be able to get the prescribed 2 hr workouts done before I have to go to work. Should I drop down to MV2? I’m worried this will be a backward step, however I’ve also been wanted to lift some weights and work on my core and mobility but I don’t the the capacity with a HV plan to do this too. Perhaps a dropping to MV will give me more opportunity to do this which will also add a bit of training stess.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

MV has more intense workouts which are shorter, but according to me is not base training but ressembles more build. I modified the HV volume to 4 workouts which are shorter in the weeks.

Mind posting a screenshot of your modified plan? I often find that I come back browsing old threads looking for inspiration, and that stuff helps!