I’ve just finished a 3 week threshold training block, which went well enough to get me a 10w FTP bump (which is awesome!). I’m now taking a recovery week.
I’m doing my own training, no plan builder and have just been following a very simple progression to increase TTE of 3x10, 3x12, 4x10. I’ve combined this with an o/u progression that starts at 3x8.
I was planning to carry on the progression after the recovery week: 3x15, 2x20, 2x25.
However, with the FTP change, I’m now not sure. Should I carry on? Should I repeat my last block at a higher FTP?
Depends what your goals are - if you have a race coming up maybe do some shorter sharper super threshold efforts as 102-105%. If not maybe some longer SS stuff with lots of time in zone e.g 3x20 2x30@90%FTP …repeating the same block may be mentally taxing - change it up for a month and maybe come back to it in 6weeks.
Well if you want a pr up a 1500m hill@ 5% then you are looking at about a 3 min effort . So I’d do a V02 max block for 5 weeks with a couple of sessions/week - one of 1 min repeats@120-125% like Bluebell/Bashful etc and one of longer 2-3min reps like versions of Dade and Spencer from the TR library - add in some zone 2 the rest of the week and you’ll be flying up. Good thing is there are versions of those VO2 workouts which are 30/45/60mins long so good if you are time crunched.