Looking for ideas to close the gap between upright FTP (hands on the hoods) and FTP in aerobars. I’m an experience triathlete and for over two years have been training with power. My current FTP in aerobars is 254 watts and 284 watts in upright position. This type gap has been here from the beginning. I’ve raised and lowered my seat and aerobars up to 30mm trying different combination and experienced no closing of the FTP gap. I’ve done nearly all of my trainer workouts in aero position. Had a few multiple professional fittings and tried a different bike.
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Read somewhere that much shorter cranks help triathletes change their hip/leg angles which apparently helps with power. But it’s nothing concrete, just something I vaguely recall on the matter…
But then again if you had bike fits then I am assuming that you tried this.
If nothing else helps then my suggestion would to be just sticking with the aero position power as it is the one you will be most likely using for events and such.
Have you experimented with crank length?
I found it significantly easier to maintain higher power when switching from 175 to 165 cranks. Gave me more room to breathe and less issues with quads touching my stomach.
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