Looking at my Garmin watch, it takes about boosting <5 min efforts to boost anaerobic capacity. Surely this isn’t right? Anaerobic is sub 60 seconds right?
takes about or talks about?
here is the help screen from Garmin Connect on my iPhone:
“repeated high-intensity intervals of 10 to 120 seconds” have impact on anaerobic capacity and result in an anaerobic Training Effect.
For example I got anaerobic TE from my workout last night:
- 2 x 2-minutes
- 3 x 1-minute
- 5 x 30-seconds
Did that same workout a month ago, but with more endurance riding and instead of “3.5 Aerobic” it was “4.1 Aerobic” (same anaerobic), and that workout was considered Training Effect of Base
So Garmin also looks at the split between Aerobic and Anaerobic.
FWIW here are some other Anaerobic Training Effects from the past year:
Endurance with Power Surges 4x 9:40 with 20-sec sprint
Aerobic 3.0
Anaerobic 3.5
4x30-sec, then 3 more
Aerobic 3.1
Anaerobic 3.6
2.5 hours endurance with 6x ad-hoc sprints by feel, 18-36seconds
Aerobic 3.1
Anaerobic 3.6
4 hours endurance with 12 ad-hoc sprints by feel, 15-33 seconds
Aerobic 3.3
Anaerobic 3.5
4 sets of 4x15-sec(15 off) full gas sprints
Aerobic 3.2
Anaerobic 3.6
8x30-sec(3-min off) ALL OUT, MAX EFFORT EACH SPRINT
Aerobic 4.2
Anaerobic 4.0
8x30-sec(3-min off) ALL OUT, MAX EFFORT EACH SPRINT
Aerobic 4.0
Anaerobic 3.7
3 sets of 3x45-sec (2-min off) Big Gear Seated
Aerobic 3.3
Anaerobic 3.7
3 sets of 3x30-sec (2-min off) Big Gear Seated
Aerobic 3.3
Anaerobic 3.6
Those are cycling, I don’t run.
Hope that helps,
Very interesting… seems like that categorisation makes sense… but the description in the watch doesn’t seem right at all.
thats the description on Garmin mobile app, and my account only as a Garmin Edge 840 bike computer.
Maybe the watch has a more generalized help given you could be using it for running, swimming, cycling, hiking, etc? I dunno.