Anyone else? I’ve got a 4 hour ride I NEED to see
Yes. It annoying its been like it for at least 5 hours. Cant upload my run.
Can you not put spoilers in the subject please, took all my fun out of discovering this for myself
Guess I can’t train, then.
I’m not sure if I went for a ride this morning, do I need to go for a 3 hr zone 2 ride or not ?
Hopefully they didn’t get hacked again
I must have just beat it, my gravel ride uploaded fine. When In try to record a new activity to test GC though I get the same message!
Same here. Had a three hour epic ride today, but nobody can see it on Strava. What a total waste of time.
Well that explains that!
This is the url for the status of all Garmin services:
Not just connect, but livetrack and incident detection are down too…
Be like me. Quit.
You know the rule - not on Strava, didn’t happen. Same applies to Garmin. Guess you shoulda just slept in this morning.
Maybe a different system but I’ve just had my weekly activity report email from Garmin.
Its back…
Its down again. At least my run uploaded while it was briefly up.
Still got a 32 min ride missing but it is on Strava by other means.
Web version is back up. Shows today’s ride which wouldn’t upload automatically or manually for me before.
I always panic when this happens since I track all my gear mileages and hours on GC plus I have 8+ years of data there.
I read the title too quickly as “Garmin Server Outrage” and that lined up with my feelings when my big ride from this morning didn’t load to Strava
You can always open the Garmin on your computer. Then go to activities. Copy the todays .fit file to your desktop. Once there manually add it to Strava. Then your buddies will be able to see your massive ride stats.
No biggie as I dl, manage and share my (my) data from golden shemal…I mean cheetah.
No need I think, my activity synced anyway now the web page is back up.