Garmin / TR interface

Hi Guys
I’ve got a FR 965 and Edge 1030 but also use a Wahoo Kickr when using TR. I don’t use the 1030 during TR workouts

My question is should I also set off a free ride on my FR965 and record the output from my ride that so the watch knows what I’ve been doing? Even though the TR workout ends up in Connect they don’t seem to be taken into account on any of the other metrics on the watch.

Thanks in advance

May have been the recent watch update because my 965 now syncs both ways. I used to have the same issue.

I just checked and all my recent TR workouts are there. May be worth seeing if your watch has an update pending.

Thank you
My watch is upto date and it does ‘see’ the workout it just doesn’t seem to impact any other metric such as body battery

This is a Garmin thing. Connect won’t calculate metrics on any FIT file that doesn’t claim to be recorded on a Garmin device. Hooray for our capitalist overlords trying to twist our arms into sticking with their ecosystem.

You could dual-record, but that would likely cause problems with other services (i.e., TrainerRoad) thinking you’ve done two workouts (one in TR and one in Garmin). You could, of course, manually clean up the duplicates, but who’s got time for that?

I use a third-party sync app on iOS called RunGap which has a feature that injects Garmin device identifiers into FIT files that it uploads to Connect. This makes Connect think that my TR workouts were recorded in the Tacx Training app (and runs from my Apple Watch appear in Connect as coming from a 945 or some such) and it will therefore calculate all the metrics. If you’re on iOS, I recommend that, though it has a (very small) subscription fee. I’m unaware if there is an Android equivalent.


Thanks for the information
I’ll have a think about how I deal with it

I duel record, you can turn off trainer road exporting (reconnect to GC or Strava and at the bottom of the options there is a “allow TR to export workouts”) so that will stop the workout being duplicated on other services (doesn’t work with training peaks)

TR is very good at removing duplicates

This does mean you HAVE to duel record everything

Heart rate! If I don’t use the Apple Watch to simulrecord a ride, I get no heart rate for Apple Health for the ride. YET The Garmin ecoverse has heart rate data right there for the taking! I did get a workout to populate the heart rate ONCE. It SHOULD be easier! I shouldn’t have to dual record workouts to get the same data.

Idea: Would the Apple Watch be able to connect to the Tacx Smart Bike and get the telemetry from that at the same time as the app on the computer? Haven’t tried that. Is it capable of feeding the app and watch simultaneously. :thinking:

+1 for ‘capitalist overlords’. Just wait…

I usually dual record but most metrics ARE synched across for a couple of years now: