Garmin Training Status now populates for TrainerRoad workouts

It’s all good.
Thanks for the heads up on the update.

So are you able to see the Aerobic/Anaerobic impact numbers? When I tried this on the 18th, the load was calculated, but none of the other “Training Effect” details.

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So far I’ve only got one day of data to show for myself. Two WO’s done indoors on the TR Windows app.

Is this the page you mean?

My Fenix is also showing TR rides that were recorded on my laptop yesterday.

It’s 6am Wed. Time to add some more data.

I’m looking for these details under the activity view

I’m not getting that yet.

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Your post effectively bullied me into buying a Fenix 6S Pro at a huge discount on Prime Day :sob:

As penance, can you tell me if I’m now sorted to use the TR app with an HRM Dual or do I need to join their Beta program?

And for bonus redemption points, can a a Zwift Run now fulfill a Garmin Coach Workout? :smiley::grimacing:

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Hahaha…sorry (not sorry!).

For the TR app, you can use that with the HRM-DUAL strap if you have that. Alternatively, you can also broadcast to TR using the Fenix 6S Pro directly too if you want (for indoor trainer workouts, the accuracy tends to be pretty good. Outdoors the OHR is often messier).

I haven’t played with Garmin Coach in a long time, so honestly not sure there. Sorry!


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Cheers Ray.

Garmin Coach may be an old feature, but it’s adaptive and has transformed my running this year and as a triathlete that’s important. TR adaptive + GC adaptive + SwimSmooth Insights…:face_with_monocle:. Kona.


I’m on the Edge 530 and I see no changes so far

I’m not seeing it either. Back to running side by side.

I’m also on the Edge 530 and have a Forerunner 645. Different numbers for both devices although Physio TrueUp is enabled on both. I can’t see any numbers coming from TR. I did Whorl this morning and have got a Cycling V02 Max estimate - that’s never happened before.

I had an app update for GC waiting when I woke up this morning. It seems to be doing stuff now, this is what I got after doing a TR ride (Kennedy) today. I’m showing the 830 screens but it looks like the Fenix 5 is doing the behind the scenes computation too.

Now that it’s pulling this info I’ve sucked it up and ordered myself a HRM so I can try and get my outdoor rides added to the mix.



Same here. Garmin Connect seems to show different training status for Edge and Fenix even though both are synced and both have Trueup enabled. Really makes no sense to me that toggling between different devices for training status is even possible - surely the whole point of Garmin Connect is to provide a holistic view using whatever data it has available.

But did also get a VO2 Max estimate from a TR workout for the first time on Monday. So they’re getting there!

Was there ever a point to Strava?


Strava has always existed to support post-ride smack talk!



Okay I have a Fenix 6S Pro now. I recorded Mount Regan with the TR app, iPad and HRM dual. It’s the only work out I’ve done so far today (Thursday).

Bear in mind that I’m a Garmin newb, but I think I’m getting Training Load for the ride on my watch though I can’t find it in Garmin Connect mobile.

In the mobile app, go to “training status → load → exercise load” and you’ll see what you’re showing on your watch here.

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Yeah, so the TR recorded ride is there. :slight_smile:

I’ll stop using my Edge indoors and start syncing TR to Strava as it’s not forwarding through Garmin.

Just to be sure, I think that has always been there. What’s missing is the next level of detail as Matt showed above.

What I’m not clear on, and I just started using the beta, is whether Garmin is still using the data for the Training Status and Anaerobic/High Aerobic/Low Aerobic analysis and recommendations. It’s odd that they don’t show up in the workout details.

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