Garmin Training Status now populates for TrainerRoad workouts

Ahah. Okay.

Training load yes, recovery and those metrics Matt highlighted no. My watch says that Recovery was Delayed by High Activity, which indicated to me that it isn’t processing the workout today.

I will remove the Strava sync and go back to the Edge.

So looking at my Fenix 5 screen it doesn’t appear to be showing running or swimming load, just TR rides. I’d be interested to see what other multi-sport people are getting?

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Hi, I think if you look at my post 3 up there is swim bike and run on the Exercise Load screen

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While the data isn’t really a big deal, I am just going to continue recording in the Garmin. I tend to ride extra after the workout ends a lot anyway, I just let the app upload and crash on my phone and keep going :rofl:

Definitely getting swim/bike/run:

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I think it might be because tre Fenix 5 series doesn’t support all the load functionality :woman_shrugging:t4::sob:

Just in case anyone is interested, I tried Zwift Run using the Fenix 6S Pro recording as a virtual run, transmitting cadence and HR to Zwift. Pace was from the iPhone Runcline app.

The resulting data from Zwift into Garmin had none of the load metrics you’re looking for.

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@dcrainmaker I just noticed something that I am unsure if its an issue with how they build this or just a bug. It looks like if you use a watch that does not support power (245 in this case) it will not update the training stats until you turn on a device that does (edge 530). Logically this makes sense, the 245 does not support the features required to do the math even if it has the tech to do so. If you can reproduce this with other devices it seems a worthwhile mention in your writeup.

I continue to regret not getting a 945 for many small issues like this that have piled up over time. I should really just sell the 245 and upgrade but I just cant quite be bothered.

I am another one of those not seeing load:
– outside run with HR on 2/21/21
– 2 TrainerRoad workouts with HR (broadcasted from Fenix 6)
– workouts show up in connect and watch but no load calculated

FWIW, I haven’t trained outside for quite some time so my watch is currently showing “no training status” at all. I’ll try running to see if having existing data is a pre-requisite for calculating load

Looks like I’m back to having to dual record. Tried only recording on TR the last week but not getting training effect for those workouts in GC.

So I think I have a different problem. Anyone else? I’ve been running just TR on my laptop and (auto) syncing to Connect after the ride for the last week and a half. I have a Fenix and Edge that also sync to connect. I just noticed today that every ride I’ve done shows as “anaerobic”. Today I did White-5, a 60 minute easy ride. Garmin shows IF of .68 and TSS of 46…but classified the ride as Anaerobic with a benefit of “sprint”.

Is your FTP setting correct on the garmin side? (The IF and TSS make it sound correct but can’t immediately think of anything else.)

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That is a little weird. I’d check your heart rate zones for that device

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Yes, I thought of both of those too. Both correct. I’m going to run side by side for a few rides and see what happens.

I’m guessing this means others aren’t seeing the same behavior though, so not sure what to do to actually “fix it”. Is it on the TR side or the Garmin side? :person_shrugging:

Can you screenshot the Anaerobic and Sprint classifications? Maybe also the exercise load screen from Garmin Connect showing a few rides?

Is this what you wanted to see?

Hi all,
I have checked my TR ride data is flowing into my Garmin account and it has all the ride data under the activity section but doesn’t populate anything in the training effect section under the performance stats group. I also noticed that my VO2 Max is improving with my training but the cycling VO2 Max doesn’t update unless I am doing an outdoor ride with HR and the power meter. I would have thought that the TR indoor sessions would drive the cycling number up in line with the other one?
Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong or is this normal, thanks heaps.


Have you done the two-way sync with your garmin device that you use for cycling?

I think it would be on the garmin side because it’s how they are interpreting the ride data they are getting? This is of course assuming there’s no crazy HR data on the rides that have been classified as “anaerobic”.

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The only Garmin device I use when doing an indoor TR workout is a Tacx smart trainer. This and my power meter synced for the two way power match thing and then I have a Bluetooth heart rate meter. All of these devices are connected to my phone that I use for the workout. Once the workout is complete the activity shows up in my Garmin account on my phone. This is where I view my VO2 and load etc. I hope this helps.

I’m also not sure what they two way sync feature is.