Curious how people are configuring these pedals. I’ve owned them for a couple months now and never really read all about them until today. What I did not read was that the Vector 3’s have a built in cadence sensor. I have been using the bontrager duotrap s speed and cadence sensor outdoors and on the trainer. Those who have the Vector 3’s, my question is, do you let TrainerRoad choose the sensor it wants to use or do you use the Vector 3’s? I think my has been defaulting to the duotrap for cadence and the power defaults to the Vector 3’s. I’ve never really paid enough attention to try to use the cadence in the Vector 3’s. I have the Garmin Edge 1030 for outdoors and I heard that Edge prefers the cadence from the pedals. I’m always curious hows things work and whats the best config.
I just use the Vector 3s for all of it. I just completed my race season with the Vectors and had no issues with cadence. Once I sorted out the battery issue and got the new battery covers, I’ve had no issues with data carryover to TR or my Elemnt Bolt.
I had cadence sensors on both bikes, but removed them when I started using the Vectors.
I have the Vector 3’s and use them for cadence and for power with my Wahoo Kickr via TR’s Powermatch. In my opinion, you should always use Powermatch so you get consistent power data indoors and outdoors.
Additionally on the Vector 3 topic, I was going to start a new thread but saw this on here. If this is considered “thread-jacking”, feel free to delete or flag…but the topic is Garmin Vector 3 Pedals…which I took as anything related to them.
Is anyone using Garmin Cycling Dynamics feature with TR? I saw this on DC Rainmaker’s site a while back before I got my pedals and haven’t set it up yet. Anyone using this? Link below:
I haven’t looked at it (yet), but I think even DC acknowledges that no one’s really sure what all of it means just yet!
Agree on not knowing what it “all” means yet. However, there is some information to be gleaned, especially on the TR workouts where speed work and pedaling drills are the purpose. Additionally, I’ve been nursing a knee injury all season. Being able to see my L/R balance is also useful.
That’s kind of the direction I was thinking, in regards to removing the cadence but the cadence gives the speed also, so without going gps, not sure what else would be giving me the speed if I removed the duotrap
I don’t consider it thread jacking, anything I can learn new about the Vector 3’s, I’m good with it.
As far as what Garmin sees or is reported from TR, we all probably know so far it’s pretty much on par with what is reported in TR such as heart rate, power, NP, IF, TSS, FTP setting, work, cadence and calories. Min and max for most of these. Whats missing is L/R balance, seated or standing, phase and balance, power phase start and end, platform offset. Is there a way to add these, good question or are they necessary although they’re nice to have as they are part of the package.
I took a look at TrainerRoad documentation, powermatch is on by default and the sample graphic of what it should look like versus the smooth is exactly how mine looks. It’s nice to know out of the box, the default correlates what you would want it set to.
Guess the last thing is to remove the duotrap or leave it as is. Where would I get the speed if I didn’t have the speed sensor from the duotrap and the magnet on the wheel?
Okay, more reading. I could remove the magnet on the crank arm that the duotrap is using for cadence, rely on the Vector 3 for cadence, when out on the road, the duotrap will use the magnet on the rear wheel for speed. Saves the battery on the duotrap but does not remove the device. Which the duotrap battery is one of the longest lasting batteries I’ve seen so far.
My guess is the accuracy on the duotrap and the Vector 3’s would be pretty close for cadence. Just a matter of which one would be better in this instance.
L/R balance is useful for detecting injuries, etc. A lot of people get wrapped around the axle about a 48/52 power mismatch and how to fix it, so that can be a bit of a distraction. Interestingly, I’ve found that L/R power is also a good indicator that something is wrong my my Vectors. When the mismatch gets pretty high, odds are one of the pedals isn’t tracking well or my power data for that ride is bad. I had that happen quite a bit before the battery cover fix… I’d have 28/72 power disparities, like my left leg just didn’t feel like doing any work that day!