I searched but couldn’t find any good experiences.
After recovering from the flu and doing only easy rides my kids brought norovirus home and wiped me out. Obvious symptoms you get from that…
I hadent even gained the weight back from the flu and lost even more. (Probably just food and water weight). Once my fever went away I did some easy rides again without issue. But had very little appetite generally.
So yesterday morning I tried to do my first interval workout since January 1 (flu hit me jan 6). I tried some threshold intervals because I had to halt my v02 block and didn’t think that was good to jump back into it as my heart rate was finally starting to normalize after flu and I had pushed SST to 75 minutes before I got sick and am just bored kf doing tempo/SST work.
I crashed and burned so hard. Struggled through the first interval and pulled the plug on the second. Just felt like I had nothing in the tank. Not the feeling like your FTP is too high, just like everything was too hard.
I know here in the US there are a million viruses going around. Has anyone recently had norovirus/gastro? How long did it take after you recovered to even feel normal in the bike? I’m going to run AiFTP soon and just stick to that number. Just want some other perspectives.
Stay healthy out there.