GCN+ being closed, December 2023

I honestly don’t know. I’m from the EU, so I’ve never had to deal with this. :slight_smile:

Wow. I think that’s MASSIVE.

I was literally just about to subscribe, having this week set up a new TV in my garage for winter. Hopefully their coverage continues on Eurosport in some capacity as they do a fantastic job.

This really sucks.

No Eurosport or Discovery+ available for most of the world.

Fugg I hope this doesn’t end up with all the rights porting across to the garbage system that is sky tv

For us US folks, this is a huge step backwards to the days of poor “shared” feeds over the internet. I’m hoping that another realistic solution pops-up, as there is no way I’m subscribing to Flo Bikes


What US coverage? It was almost nothing as far as major live events. That was the problem

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See but this is what I’ve been talking about. If you live in the US and want to watch cycling you basically have to move heaven and earth to make it happen. It’s so egregious and so burdensome that it’s better to just turn your back on the sport you love rather than subject yourself to this madness. The major cycling organization(s) need to figure this out or they’ll just lose ppl like me forever


Same - need to see if if the VPN will work for Discovery+ or loading Eurosport onto my apple tv

Maybe nbc can pick some extra events up for us in :us:. I’m really bummed I won’t be able to watch CX or the MTB World Cup. I definitely won’t use flo sports either. I also don’t even know how a vpn works :joy:

With a VPN you could watch everything. I watch all the CX races, the spring classics, the Giro and much preferred their Tour coverage to NBC


Honestly, if the UCI / ASO / RCS / Flanders Sports / etc. want to grow cycling in the US, they need to pull their head out of their a$$ and put together a GCN+ type offering that offers all races via a single app / single subscription for a decent price. Making it hard for folks to watch your sport, doesn’t grow your sport.


There was just an article in the New York Times this morning about how streaming is booming (more viewing hours than ever) but it has also cost these companies a lot of money. Basically, cable was their cash cow and they underestimated how popular streaming would be and sold off the rights to shows cheap. Well now said companies are playing catch up to the likes of Netflix and to do so have to offer their platform at a loss. They pour in billions for new content. It isn’t sustainable. Stocks have dropped and budgets slashed. There will be more casualties no doubt.


I followed a link from the announcement and it would appear that for UK at least it will be Discovery+. I read somewhere that one of the problems with Warner Bros trying to sell GCN+ was that the rights to the cycling lay with Warner Bros themselves and not GCN+. So they basically had nothing to sell.
£6.99/month. No yearly option which is strange.


Yeah, I just won’t listen to US targeted commentary at all, ever. Same thing for 50 damned years, every race commented like the audience has just learned bicycles exist. Can’t take the dumbed down commentary during events that, let’s be honest, have a LOT of time to fill between action. I’d rather practice my not so strong Italian or French listening than…that.

I may have to take up “residence” with a friend in the UK for a credit card account, (and continue ample VPN usage) to take advantage of whatever comes next.

FLO = No.



Having not used FLO before can someone give me the TL;DR why FLO is so bad?

As a US cycling fan who might soon be SOL I might not have many options…

I signed up because they took MTB World Cup off Red Bull TV, which was doing an AWESOME job. To be fair, the GCN+ coverage was good and I ended up liking to watch some of the other stuff. I am hoping Red Bull picks it back up.


But then you won’t get the refund.

just logged in and was greeted by this:

so it looks like I just need to make sure to have a valid payment method in my account settings.

This sucks big time, GCN+ was really the only service which I’ve never questioned. I would have rather cancelled Netflix.

Big bummer for me are the commercials with Discovery+/Eurosports. Used to have Eurosports before GCN+ was around. Despite paying for it you still got these annoying commercials. Half of them of themselves, snooker and darts. What do I care, I only watched cycling.

But I guess that’s where the trend goes, advertisment despite paying a subscription. They make more money and since everyone is doing it, they get away with it. Back to last century.

Will they still show all the races on Discovery+ or will they slim down this offering, as well? GCN+ showed almost everything.


Wonder if there will be a Black Friday deal.

I have lots of documentaries on my GCN+ list, been saving them for winter training, that turns out to be a mistake… might have to get a big Base training period in to get my money’s worth and watch what looked good.

I wonder where all the additional none race documentary and rides of the world stuff will end up or if it will be available anywhere. :thinking: