Get yer Polarized training workouts!

I didn’t see it. And I heard it will be available this week. So far, I didn’t see it.

@QuittingBikes as a Polish person who lives in Poland, I say, bring on the Polish jokes! We deserve them these days!

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I thought the Z1 rides were based on not going above a certain HR not power based. It’s been a while since I listened to Dr Seiler podcasts but I’m sure this is how he describes it.

Edit - yes he does



Don’t go above LT1. If you need to breathe through your mouth, you’re going too hard.

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Which platform is already available? I don’t see it on Android yet. Do I need to get a beta version? When is the plan for the web application coming?

They’re not really available yet. They’re not finished.

An early version of them is accessible through some stray related links though. Probably best avoided for now.

Adaptive training and levels will change the %FTP of the VO2 workouts. Ones in the plan are ‘base’ workouts by the looks of it. They go all the way to around 120% FTP though.

realistically though, a 4x16 should be more like @ 100% of FTP, but if people are doing those intervals to the spirit of the original study, they should turn erg mode off and just do 4 x 16 at the power that allows them to complete all 4. So still a good thing for people like me who don’t use erg and would use the workout anyways to speciry the on/off.

I just saw this workout. What AT score does this have because I imagine it must be REALLY REALLY tough to complete. I just don’t see how anyone is completing this without their FTP being low

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If your ftp is accurate, this should be achievable.

Podcast says they’re being released today :slightly_smiling_face:

I set my FTP via Kolie’s method.

Let me tell you, holding 106% for 16 minutes… repeatedly is not going to happen.

Put it this way… the 20 minute test is holding 105% for 20 minutes, now think about how you feel after that.


Right, the 20 minute test shouldn’t be 105%.

Failure rate of 100% (2 workouts posted, 2 failed them ^^)

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Why not?

I mean I don’t believe in the 20 minute test at all. I believe its an overestimation, but then take that up with Hunter Allan and Andy Coggans not me

People are using their ramp test ftp. To be expected.

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That’s the point of Polarized. Hard days are very hard, easy days are very easy.

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(Experimental) 6 Week Polarized Plan - Mid Volume - TrainerRoad

It will be interesting to see just how TR users get on with these hard days. Mary Austin will seem like a stroll in the park from the looks of the workout @jacemano posted.

This is a personal favourite: Bartlett Peak (looks like this workout is 1 for 1 at the moment…). Isn’t this SusPB on steroids?

I’m taking the easy route and sticking with SSB. POL (big P, little p???) would crush me :laughing:

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