Hey people. currently riding a GT Trinity Tri size M and I’m looking to get the TT version due to the fact that I don’t do long distance. I’ve gone onto Geometry Geeks and noticed that the TT version is quite a bit smaller in a size M, 61mm shorter top tube to be exact
Do you think this is a quite a large jump for me? I’m 183cm/6ft
EDIT: current bike is a 2017 Tri edition and looking at the 2022 TT edition
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Hi, i think you may have selected a wrong size or somthing on geometry geeks, i thought they were almost identical so just checked and it seems they are. Unless you are doing UCI events, where thre fork isn’t legal (wasn’t at least, may be ok now withe new rules) i would suggest that the Tri is actually a faster bike than the TT (because of the fork)
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I had to double check what I was looking at… I think its because mine is a 2017 model…
ahh, they must have tweaked sizes at some point
still though, unless theres a specific reason too, i wouldn’t change the frame.
spend the money on a new cockpit
Agreed with @Gaggy15 ….unless you need to be UCI compliant, there is no reason to change.
You have a great position on your current bike!!!
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What cockpits fit on these bikes? I’ve never thought about upgrading that to be honest. No I don’t need to be UCI compliant, just thought about getting a new and lighter frame 
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I have higher sided arm rests (kismet) and drag2zero poles on mine. Poles that follow the shape of the arm better can be a really big gain
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Is that the 85mm prime wheel?
I think it’s 80mm, just seen they do an 85 now but its a couple of years old. Been a good front wheel and pretty stable in cross winds.
Don’t suppose you had the Giant SLR 65mm before did you? If so, how does it compare? I’ve seen the 85mm on sale the other day and I’m tempted to get it. 20mm upgrade from my front obviously
You either have an immaculate lawn or turf…please tell me that is astro turf of some sort! Looks great!
I’d second what a few people have said.
Unless there is a “fit” reason to swap frames, I wouldn’t bother.
I ride a 2015 uci legal frame, and a 2016 tri frame, and destroy fools.
If anything, the cockpit, position, those are going to be lower hanging fruit, bang for your buck the frame is almost always lowest on the list.
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Not had those exact wheels but i did hace slr45’s on my tcr. I’d suggest that the deeper front wheel would be a bit faster but thats not based on anything scientific
Haha yes its AstroTurf, any hopes of a nice lawn died when we got a land shark
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Ha, That’s hilarious. Never heard of that before!