One huge benefit of having a regular annual physical is you develop a relationship with a doctor.
Personally, I dumped my last doctor after a string of annual physicals because while all was well, over time I realized he was not the guy I wanted to be dealing with when the shit hit the fan (and it eventually will for all of us). My new guy is still telling me all is well but I’ll be comfortable calling him when its not.
Sure. BUT, if your “normal levels” (the values you normally show) are known through years of blood tests, then suddenly a test comes up with a value that is way out of your “normal range”, then that’s more than likely an indication of something wrong.
Doctor can prescribe other tests and check for conditions that affect the levels that came back out of your normal range.
Using COVID-19 testing on your argument is probably not the best of the ideas. The illness is new, and there are know issues with testing (way too many false positives). Using failed covid tests just makes the rest of your argument very weak.
If you are concerned you have type II diabetes ask your doctor for the A1C test which will give a picture of your blood sugar levels over several months. How do you know that your level will drop? Sporadic level tests don’t give an overall picture. What happens in the development of type II is that due to high visceral and liver fat and high levels of too much food and sugar in the diet over a long period of time-That-even though the body still produces sufficient insulin, the cells starts to become deaf and dumb to it. Insulin is like a key to unlock the cells to be able to use the circulating glucose. It’s like a too high level of noise and the cells becoming deaf to protect themselves.Even if you don’t eat a lot of sugar, excess food creates fat and the body can create sugar from the fat in the body. The first step is metabolic disorder. To prevent or slow down or reverse the metabolic disorder, you have to put the process in reverse. Which is almost to “starve” it of calories- have it burn up and use your stores of visceral fat. Not have excess stores, don’t eat in excess Blood Balance Reviews: Unbelievable Results or a SCAM? so that the cells then start to “listen” again to the signal of insulin. (While maintaining adequate nutrition of vitamins minerals, anti-oxidants-with a calorie deficit)
If you are concerned with preventing it, a 10% drop in body weight each year (until healthy BMI or body fat percentage is reached) is doable and increases the bodies receptivity to insulin.
I’m getting blood work done tomorrow as a part of my yearly physical. I wanted to drop a line in here because my hemocrit and hemoglobin levels were low last year. My white and red blood cells were also reading low which caused an alarm. Everything turned out to be OK, after another test. Either way I still wanted better clarification why this happened. So I did some digging online to see if my training had an affect on the blood work results. I found this article by runners world, even though it’s geared more towards runners, it goes for most endurance athletes, in my opinion. This article made me feel a little better why my tests came out wonky. In the end I hope it eases someone else’s mind like it did mine.
Its definitely a good idea to get blood work done occasionally. I was a lucky b’‘’‘’‘’‘’’ when I finally got my bloods taken, it identified an anomaly that I thought I was too young to have. I was lucky the doctor wasn’t as complacent as me and it got sorted and I am still here.