Cheers that’s nice to hear. I’ll send them a message.
What I meant by “loop” was a ride which returned to the same point as I started from. Basically it went north from my house and back, rounding a lake. The outbound part intersects the return leg quite early at which point i seemingly went “against” the direction of the route whilst staying on course as per the display. Technically I’d like the option to either confirm to the unit that I’ll continue on the route albeit against the units perceived direction, OR just switch direction without getting prompted. Hope this makes sense.
Resurrecting this thread as Hammerhead is having a trade-in off for other head units, and I could get $130 off by trading in my Edge 820.
For Karoo 2 owners, with all of the firmware updates, how are you liking the device? For someone who would be coming over from a Garmin, andy words of advice? I know that TR workouts don’t sync to the Karoo, and I don’t care, so this isn’t an issue for me.
[Edit] Updated with link to trade-up program for anyone else who is interested
I’m tempted to try this out, too with my Garmin. I’m a little hesitant that I can’t run TR outdoor workouts with the Karoo though. And it seems like TR is all-in for AT at the moment with little or no work being done on other issues, so I’m not hopeful it would be implemented anytime soon.
I don’t think the trade in deal is much value as you could sell those units for far more yourself. Eg I think they give something like £95 for the elemnt bolt and I recently sold mine for £160 on eBay to upgrade to the V2…which brings me to the fact the I’ve been disappointed with the V2 and literally just bought the Karoo 2 after much research and deliberation. I’ve not used it yet but I’ve got very high hopes and the Elemnt V2 will soon be up for sale most likely!
I love mine. It was my first bike computer so don’t have other benchmarks but the experience so far has been awesome.
Once i rode the other way during a loop than the unit thought it did; it constantly beeped me to turn around instead of assuming I’m riding the other way around. There’s no way of “flipping the course” on the unit which is a little annoying but this example is of a rare occurrence and something that’ll get fixed. Other than that it’s brilliant!
Oh, even with low screen light the screen is super visible and strong. Never had an issue w battery length.
Can someone explain the relationship between Bike Profiles & Profiles? Or is there any? And does assigning a ride to a specific bike carry over to Strava / TrainingPeaks?
Also, if I normally use the same screens for road and gravel, is there any reason to create different Road & Gravel profiles? I have similar sensors (Di2, power meters, speed sensors) on both bikes if that makes a difference.
There isn’t any relationship. And choosing the bike profile on K2 does not carry over to strava. There’s no reason to create more than 1 screen profile unless you make the screens different. You can even switch screen profile mid ride too.
I love my K2. Imho it’s the best head unit unless there’s a specific garmin feature you use that you can’t do without.
So can someone show me what details and data can be shown looking at a post ride screen on the karoo2 dashboard? I ordered the k2 and just created a login and to be honest the dashboard is a bit underwhelming. I can view past rides that have been recorded on my garmin and it offers no data. Just distance and elevation. Will I be able to view more data once I’ve recorded a ride and uploaded from my karoo2? It’s not a necessity but I like to view things like average and np and metrics like that.
So I just got my Karoo 2. Any suggestions / setting changes to make / things I should do?
So far, I’ve:
Updated to the latest firmware
Connected my Karoo 2 to my Hammerhead account
Downloaded offline maps
Set the units I want to use
Questions: any best practices in connecting to external (e.g., Strava & TrainingPeaks) accounts? That is: if I don’t care about pushing workouts from TrainingPeaks to my Karoo 2, should I just connect it to Strava? I have Strava set to sync rides to TrainingPeaks
I push workouts to Strava only. Then from there to everywhere else I care about. Other things you can do:
Set your data gathering preferences- include/ignore zeroes in power/cadence, etc.
Set notification preferences.
Setup data screens and profiles. I only have one profile for outdoor riding since all of my bikes have the same sensors- power, heartrate, and Varia radar. I like big numbers with only up to 4 numbers per page since I can read that amount of data without my glasses. So, one page is power, hr, distance, and time. The next is the elevation graph with total elevation gain and power, the map, and a page with a bunch of summary data that I need glasses to read- NP, TSS, IF, Max Power, Max HR, Calories, etc. For indoor riding I have a second profile with different data screens (no need for a map or elevation). One thing to know is that GPS on/off is a global parameter and NOT profile specific. So, if you want to ride indoors without GPS you need to manually disable GPS in the sensors menu (and remember to turn it back on when you go outside again).
That’s about all I did except I did add the XERT app since I have a subscription.
So I’ve been super interested in this one for a while, but I’m really curious about readability here.
How’s the glare? One of the reasons I stopped using Garmin was because of the amount of glare the screen could pick up, so it became completely unreadable in direct sunlight. My Wahoo Roam never get s an appreciable amount of glare.
The other thing is old eyes. Do the fonts get big enough to be read comfortably by someone who needs reading glasses?
I’ve been back and forth on the Karoo since June. In the past, I’ve had an Edge 830, and a Karoo V1. I have a Garmin 130 plus, and use iSmoothRun on my Apple Watch sometimes. I have used RWGPS a lot. I’m training with power on all my bikes now, and have been known to dabble in data quite a bit.
I picked up a V2 during their promotion. Here’s what brought me back to the platform:
1. Software Stability has improved dramatically. I had weird issues with my K1, like rides being tracked, but the timer not incrementing, and rides being paused/stopped because of light rain on the screen. Software has really stabilized in the last 2 months. 2. Feature releases are now happening every 4-8 weeks. This is supposed to be the benefit of taking a software product approach, vs a hardware product approach. They’ve released the Climber feature and an auto-lap feature in just the last few months. They are doing a better job of living up to the potential of this. 3. Better Screen than everyone else. The screen colors are competitive with your smartphone’s screen. Also, the whole OS is way more responsive than Garmin - instantaneous. The only screen that I’ve seen that is as clear is the Edge 130 Plus - because it’s a 4-tone grayscale screen (so you don’t get any color). 4. Competitive size, weight, and battery life. Body is slightly large than the 530/830 series, with a screen almost the same size as the 1030 series. Weight is inline with the 1030. Battery life looks to be 10-12 hours with at least two sensors (power and HR) connected, and display always on. That’s plenty - if I need more I can bring a small external battery pack and plug it in.
Granted, you’re investing in something without knowing which features they’ll release (they don’t have a public roadmap), but overall I think that they continue to move in the right direction.
And remember, this year they made it into @dcrainmaker’s list of best cycling computers - for mapping and navigation!
Thanks for taking the time to write and share this, I think I’ve read all of those things and side loading TR seems cool, I just haven’t seen the oh that’s cool I’ll buy it then
Keep in mind that side loading apps on the Karoo is tricky.
The install is easy, but not all apps are compatible. The Karoo doesn’t have Google Play Services yet, and most apps depend on them, apparently. So, TR, Strava, probably Trailforks - none of those apps work in my Karoo.