Apologies if this is similar to other threads.
Background: Very new cyclist here. Bought a trainer in late December, screwed around on Zwift in January, then started TR - and really picked up the training start of March. I essentially went from Couch to TR. I used the plan builder, marked myself as beginner for everything, lower volume, etc. Missed maybe 1 or 2 workouts for all of Base.
Currently: I just got out of Base, and I feel like I’ve hit a brick wall. When I first started TR, my initial ramp was 177. Entering into Build Phase, my FTP is 233. Right now I’m seriously struggling to finish any workouts - my last workout on Monday, Bashful +2, I couldn’t make it past 21 minutes. Been addressing fuel/sleep/etc., but nothing seems to be sticking.
My thoughts/questions: I’m wondering if being a noob to cycling, prevented me from doing an appropriate ramp test at Base, which in turn, meant that I didn’t train at my maximal potential. I think when you’re emotionally unaccustomed to stress, you tap earlier, give up etc., and perhaps I did this on my first ramp? I can definitely tell you, having a good, natural cadence that was 85+ was not something I was even remotely considering on my first ramp test.
Assuming my thought on my Base ramp is true (which it may not be), did training on a 177 Base not prepare me enough for a 233 Build?
Moving forward: Do I manually lower my FTP and try to push through current Build? Or… now that I feel more comfortable biking and interval training in general, do I restart Base with a more accurate and updated FTP?
Right now, I’m taking the rest of the week off and starting back up on Monday - might do some light rides between now and then.
Thanks all for thoughts, and let me know if I can clarify better -