Hookless tires?

So I am getting a set of Zipp 303’s soon. I am shopping for road tires. I wanted to try Michelin Power Road TLR’s. They are listed for ENVE AR’s as approved, but they do not show as approved by Zipp. I emailed Michelin, no response yet. Seems logical they would be ok for the Zipps? Am I missing something? Anyother recommendations are welcome to.

They’ll be fine. Enve’s list is pretty conservative. If you’re going to run tubes, it’s no big deal either way.

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I want to run them tubeless. I figure if Enve has them as ok its the same, or similar, rim design. Should work. Just dont want to be road salami.

I run the Michelin’s on my Enve 45 AR’s which are hookless and they are a great tyre. They have not cut up and seem to have hold pressure a lot better than other tyres I’ve used. They actually are on the Enve website as you say who are notorious for being conservative with tyre compatibility so I’d say you’re good to go.

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I think Zipps stance (on their website) is quite open on which tyres to use, just not continental gp5000.

The only thing that would be different would be the ‘squareness’/roundness of the rim edge. They’ll basically be the same. The interior floor and wall are basically dictated by the tubeless tire quasi-standard.
Hookless doesn’t mean profile-less on that wall, but it won’t be that different.

Enve https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTD9D5Y3BQ5OTZelsHvt7Mv756HRKYA6kqXLg&usqp=CAU

Zipp - https://bikerumor-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/2021-zipp-303-Firecrest-rim-profile-cutaway-03.jpg

Basically, it comes down to sidewall durability. If you look at Bicycle rolling resistance’s data, the tires that perform best at low pressure have the least protected sidewalls, so you don’t want to run those tires in a size that’s pretty close to the rim width. I think the concern is that the lower end of the sizes give the sidewall less room to move when the rim rubs it.

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