How are my CX races impacting my fitness (training impact)?

My FTP is 274 based on my KM FTP test a few weeks ago.

I have a power meter on my CX bike and my watts for my first two races were 195avg/210NP and 224avg/241NP both for 45ish mins. One had zero dismounts and the other had a few per lap.

My max HR is 189 and both races my avg HR was 181.

My question is - are my CX races actually having a positive training stimulus? Their training impact score in WKO is pretty low even though they’re obviously extremely physiologically stressing.

Are you training to race cross or are you racing cross to build fitness?

If you’re racing cross to build fitness, that’s likely not going to be effective. You’ll likely get better at sub-3 seconds accelarations, grinding a big gear, and operating at high heartrate for a prolonged time. But it won’t do much for your endurance or FTP (and it seems it doesn’t do much for your vo2max either, even though that seems odd at first). The question then is, what type of fitness do you want to build, and what for?

If you’re training to race cross, yes, it’s hard to keep your fitness up over a longer season. Usually, your CTL will decline over the course of the season. A lot of pros have mid-season training camps, to stock up a bit again. The one-hour race just doesn’t do much for it. And you typically lose the whole day if you’re going to a race.

Training to race. I’ve got a full season of about 11 races over 9 weeks. Just working on maintaining fitness at this point.

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This is one of those “racing is getting in the way of my training “ situations. But it’s funner!


It might be related to relative rates of decline compared to the others in my age group/category, but last year in particular I had the same CTL decline over the season but my placings got progressively better (even making a podium for the 1st time and getting 3rd overall for the season). That’s on 1 or 2 races every weekend from September through early December, and following the TR plan I’d put together in the spring,

I’d say that they’re a positive training stimulus – especially as you said you’re training to race CX! We love intervals and structured training here at TR, but we also think that one of the best ways to prep and adjust for the demands of racing is to race.

Generally, as you get into the busy part of a season where you’re racing nearly every weekend, you’ll have to shift into a sort of “race and recover” mode. If you’re feeling good about your fitness right now, you should be able to maintain where you’re at. You’ll probably also sharpen your CX-specific fitness and skills as you get deeper into the season.

That said, if you feel like you’re lacking some fitness, it may be worth taking a weekend or two off to “do your homework” with some longer rides and/or structured intervals – but if you’ve been training in advance for the CX season, you’ve probably got the fitness you need already! :muscle: