Yes. Absolutely. For more info check out these related threads over on slowtwitch.
The TLDR of all my comments over there is:
- Performance enhancement happens for anything over 60min. Probably useful to fuel appropriately for shorter rides than that.
- Use closer to a 1:1 Glu:Fru ratio. 2:1 Glu:Fru ratio is old dogma.
- Sucrose works as well as maltodextrin+fructose, and probably better than glucose+fructose.
- 90g carbs per hour is bogus dogma. 120-150g/hr is no problem.
- 10-18% beverage concentrations are often well-tolerated. (100-180g sugar per liter).
- Hydration must be maintained. Use a minimum of 500-1500mg sodium per L. Maybe more…