But slightly lower than 1:1 malto+fruc. (assuming DE10 malto)
Yup. This is the best argument for adding a small portion of malto, IMHO. Beverage flavor tolerance is important especially for long activities.
Maybe. And you may well be right. You’re certainly well-considered on the topic.
I’d personally wager that optimal, especially after frequent gut exposure to higher fructose solutions, but even without, may be even closer to 1:1 than the 1:0.8 we’re seeing pop up in things like Maurten and SIS Beta Fuel.
I think we can probably agree here, though I’m not sure evidence for 1:0.8 is any stronger than 1:1, and I think that potentially at very high carb consumption rates, there is a non-zero probability of optimal ration shifting beyond 1:1.
Anyway, I’d posit that there is a >50% chance that optimal for most folks falls somewhere between 1:0.8 & 1:1, especially in the 90-120g/hr range, so…
In the future, I may dabble with adding maltodextrin when targeting 100-130g/hr, especially if the following is true!
Thank you for that. Was sheepishly unaware. Got a link to any cheap source(s) you prefer?
I started to slightly up my dose of sodium citrate and I am getting a bitter taste on the type of my tongue, it’s not awful just slightly annoying. Any reason for this? Is this just a physical manifestation of my mental status?
I haven’t experienced this and have no other reports of it.
However, walnuts & pecans cause my tongue and lips to burn and taste “hot” so I’d just pay attention to possibility of allergy or something. Seems unlikely but it’s just my closest experience to draw from.
So if I wanted 90 grams of carbs, 45 g of Gatorade mix and 45 grams of maltodextrin would be a good solution for best absorption and reducing sweetness a little?
I did it this way and its been working great! Easy to mix and easy to digest. I spent some time going through this forum and some others and could not find a reason not to try it.
will do - according to the sodium citrate I have it is 700mg of sodium / 3g of sodium citrate (~1/2tsp)
any base (low-end) guideline for g/mg of sodium citrate/750ml solution not accounting for excessive heat/humidity/sweat rate, etc? The gatorade will be adding about 150mg so i figured id start with about 1g of sodium citrate for a net 383mg (150+233) of sodium as a low-end per 750ml bottle?
Hi, is there a way to get frustose to dissolve in water rather than clump up?
I am making up 750cc drink with three loads of High 5 energy, then agdding 30gm fructose to make teh mixtrure 50/50 or so. However when I first tried this al teh H5 disolved as usual, but teh frustise stayed in a squidgy clump.
Is there a trick to helping the frustose dissolve? I added the powder to the bottle first then added the water.
25g lemonade (basically 25 g “sugar” with flavoring)
25g Maltodextrin (some more sugar)
5g Fructose (even more sugar)
1.5g Sodium Citrate (salt)
2.0g BCAA (because have powder and why the heck not use it up and maybe placebo effect)
0.5g Tart Cherry (even more placebo effect maybe)
Once I use up all the special ingredients will probably just go back to Gatorade and Malto. But the DIY mix stuff is fun.
I apologise but I’ve not read through this entire thread.
I tried putting 240grams of maltodextrin in a small bottle yesterday to create a ‘gel drink’. Worked perfectly well and I drank most of it during a four hour ride. Water was in a camelback.
I don’t like it when I add fructose. The sweetness goes off the chart!
So is roughly 60g of maltodextrin/hr a good place to settle? I’m not looking for perfect, good is fine. In races I’ll supplement from feed stations and in training I always take other snacks. Had a big lamb and mint pie mid ride yesterday
I think ive dialed in my mix ratio for a bottle, but was thinking about making a bulk 5# mix so i dont have to get out multiple ingredients each time.
are there any concerns with separation in basic ingredients (gatorade powder, sugar, sodium citrate) to achieve a close to correct ratio in each scoop? I guess id be most concerned that i would get none or too much sodium citrate since its in relatively small quantity to the other two ingredients.